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Goodbye guys, its been fun playing with you guys. I'm going to do a cleanup of xG from my friendlist except for my friends~ message me if you want to be kept on my friends. ^_____^


A few shoutouts....

Aegean - you've been a really great co leader and I'm grateful to have been div under you. Even if we've had a couple of fights I still think you were best suited for co leader than anyone else and you will continue to be an amazing co leader. Also you're bad at dancing. <3 jaykay


Serbian - out of the 3 of us divs im glad you got co. I hope you continue leading this clan with your really fast Canadian talking and wolfiness.


Billy mays - you play CSS to much and I can't beat you. You suck :c


Otherworldly - one of my closest friends in the clan; I know you warned me about this but Im doin it anyways cause I enjoy the other more than I enjoy this atm. I'd like to keep my departure reason to myself so please dont share it. I hope we can stay close friends and if you need me I'll make sure to be there for you.


Duckiijr - the same for you as otherworldly. Like exactly the same lol. Word for word.


Pyro - you are simply awesome. Whenever you come into the server you make people smile and laugh and I think that's pretty fucking awesome. continue being awesome.


Poncher - stay pop punk, my friend.


Papichulo(took me 4 times to write this with autocorrect on iPod) - we still need to have our date.


E.Z. Kill - You are an amazing dude and I hope to see you stay in this clan and have a fun time. You are an excellent admin, one of our best and I hope it stays that way. I will be keeping you on my friends list for sure. xD


Unique - I'm sure you also know my reason for leaving; but it's w/e. I hope to see you around sometime dude :)


Rain - You sir, are one of the very very best members in xG. I'm so sad to leave a clan with you in it. Though you're not active anymore, I still remember all the times we had in summer and before and so on. Not many people know you and thats a sad fact, cause they should. Hope you have an amazing time in here.


I can't remember anyone else at the moment but I'll be sure to add you later.

I love you all<3


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nope, goodbye request has been denied


-sealed away in the last great time war


but in all seriousness, it does suck that ur leaving the clan, its been great having you as a member and knowing you as a friend, hope ull still be active on our servers or if not then teamspeak so we can discuss the adventures that we had. best to luck to wherever it is ur going and that i hope u shall remember us when u get older, for we shall remember you herpes derpes.


ps. i still call bullshit hacks on that deagle headshot only server :P

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:s Sad to lose a good member, but I am sure you have your reasons :/


I don't believe I knew you too well, but you were a good div and helped this clan get to here.



Cya dude, I hope you made the right decision.

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Yes I'm leaving lol. And do not worry Serbian, I will stay active on servers and teamspeak as much as I can. I have my reasons which I'll fill you in on when I get home and online.

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Awwww this is something I did not want to wake up to :( You've been an awesome person to know and a very great friend. I really hope we still keep in contact. Love ya buddy <3

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Oh, you are leaving? :( Sorry to hear that, you'll be missed by everyone!


Remember to stay active on the servers (especially scrim <3)


Cya, hopefully you'll come back.


Two hatpacks he's back within a month

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Sorry you had to go Herpes, you were a good part of this clan. I feel partly responsible for you leaving but I won't say why and I'm sorry. Good luck and hope to see you around.

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The youngest div leader this clan's ever had haha, man we had some great and bad times together, i'm not happy to see you go but I'm glad you're doing what you want to do. You are always welcome with open arms and I believe I know why you are leaving, but yeah that's fine, take care!

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Really sad to see you go. You've always been like a real bro to me even though I've kinda got mad at you and stuff lol ^.^. You better keep in contact with me! We can plays minecraft together :frog: And I hope to see you on teamspeak? Hope you fixed your mic from yesterday lol. Thanks for being a good friend to me

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unnecessary... lol



Anyways, you haven't talked to me about this, & I'm sad I wasn't up there *rage*, but I think I know why..


Either way, you were a great friend & we had tough times before & then we worked 'em out, by our amazingly comedic talents. :highly_amused:


I hope to see/talk to you soon. I hope you are happy :)<3


EDIT: White chat (First part)

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