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Is this even legal? D:

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This could be anything from depression, bipolar disorder, early stages of schizophrenia, or you said one thing to piss him, her... It off. Same thing happened with me and one of my best friends, she started ignoring me, and or insuling me. It took some time but upon giving her some distance she loosened up. Also FYI this is about eight months past and I still play it cool.

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She hit her wrist with the baton thingys that they spin for section leaders in band, she was practicing on a bigger one and it hit her, but she was spinning it slowly...

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What you are experiencing is the typical teenage girl syndrome.


She experiences the many symptoms:


1. Extreme inability to get over one's self


2. Irritable behavior for no explicit/meaningful reason.


3. "What am I going to where?" Syndrome- Also seen in cases of diva fever.


4. Belief that the world cares about her or what she does (In this case, what she wears)

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Okay let me describe in detail and tell me if you see if i did something wrong here.


Have to leave school because my mom came to pick me up.


she bruises herself with her clarinet.


asks me to get her a bandaid from the office all the way across campus and bring it back.


mother is yelling at me over phone.


have to leave so politely say i can't.


get yelled at on both ends.




Seriously though it had nothing to do with her bruise. She was upset you chose your mom/anything else over her. Instead of a sweet story for her to tell her friends. She complains about how selfish you are. Irrational? yes. Unfair? Defiantly... That just how girls think man. You learn eventually no matter how right you are, you have to pick your battles and let them win sometimes. They learn from a young age their tits and ass hold all the power.


Don't get me wrong, its a fine line. They don't want to be able to walk all over either.. or they will not respect you. It a stupid double standard that still plagues the most intelligent of people. Good luck my son... Go with God





p.s. In case you did not get my reference earlier about band camp ...



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Do you want to ;)?


white text


No I don't want to and no I didn't, I'd prefer not to stick my winky in poopers because that is not what they are meant for.



and yeah Ero, I got the reference. xD

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