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[MOD] G1McKenzie

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I'm very active on the CS:S Jailbreak server and a bit less so on minigames. When I'm on there's usually not many admins/moderators on and I hopefully can fill that slot. I regularly check over the MOTD, about 4-5 times a week (honest!). I'm becoming more active on the other servers, including teamspeak (Usually when scrimming). I'm very willing use my mic to broadcast my sexy Scottishness for the entire server to hear ;). No but srs, it's a good quality mic and I use it a lot.


I'v got a lot of previous experience of being an admin. I'm a Superadmin (equivilent to Div) on St3alth gaming, A moderator on Catalyst gaming (Both of them Gmod based serious roleplay clans, neither have CSS servers). I'v run a minecraft server peaking at about ten players on daily for around sixteen months. I'v moderated a pay to play minecraft survival server for over a year. I used to be a forum/chat operator on Dead frontier for 6 months, till I quit. I used to be a forum/chat moderator on a game called Tribal Wars for about three months until I quit.

So, I'm definately not lacking in experience as I have moderated on a wide range of games and communities.


I'v lately been very active on the forums, some may claim it to be post spamming to get mod, but infact I will be very active on forums whether I get accepted or denied (maybe slightly less, I must admit, but not much less!). I'v been really enjoying the community on the forums and I have definately benefited from it. I have begun to have common conversations with a few people I added because of the forums. I aslo hav gud grammers, rite??


I am very good at solving a problem between players. (mute @all :devilish:, What?!?! who would think of such a thing?!?! ) I will not take action until substantial proof is avaliable, or I witness it, but if I do witness it, I will make sure I completely understand the situation that the potential problem occured in. I will follow the guidelines for rule breaking and if I see fit, the correct punishment shall be handed out (The correct punishments being in the admin handbook). I have fully read the admin handbook, (evaluated it, re written multiple times and have completed multiple ten thousand word critical essays on it)


I'll never join the server when i'm not feeling up for it or in a bad mood (unless mass freekilling is occurring) as this may affect my otherwise level headed judgement. I will allways listen to a higher up rank than me and seriously consider anything said to me by another moderator. (I know I won't be equal in terms of authority when I first join no matter if our ranks are the same, due to me being new to moderator). I will respond to everything reported through admin chat and take action if necessary (Asking the offending individual (e.g. freekiller) his side of the story too). I will also go spectator if there are more than forty players on. This also applies if admin chat is buisier than normal. I will treat everyone equally, xG member or not. I will not take an instant dislike to a player because he may be being abusive to other players or myself, I will warn him to stop and then take suitable action if he continues after a kick/mute.


Also, I'm from britian, so I can be on the brittish server! :D


Well, thats it really. Thank you for reading this and sorry if I'v bored you, but I really wanted to make an effort for this. Overall, I just want to help out the community I hope to become a well respected moderator.





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Decision: +1

Why: He knows all of our rules, and he knows them really well.. And I mean REALLY well (Not as well as me, I read them as a bedtime story before I sleep). He would make a great moderator.

Maturity: Extremely mature, knows how to handle situations maturely.

Activity: Very active on our CSS servers

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Decision: +1

Why: Active on the Jailbreak server, see him on there from time to time, knows the rules and he would make a great mod.

Maturity: Mature, knows when to have fun and when to be serious and how to deal with things.

Activity: Active on the Jailbreak and Minigames mostly.

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Decision: +1

Why: Pretty active on jailbreak

Maturity: Britishly mature :3 handles situations

Activity: 4/5 jailbreak

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Decision: +1

Why: Although I only played with him once or twice, he left a great impression in my mind. He knows the rules, and keeps to them.

Maturity: Very mature, doesn't act stupid.

Activity: As far as I know he is very active on Jailbreak

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Decision: -1

Why: He is a meanie, disrespects all players

Maturity: Honestly -1

Activity: Never seen him on



Decision: +1

Why: Really a nice guy deserver mod since we have a new uk jb server^^

Maturity: 10/10

Activvity: Very active

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Decision: +1

Why: Nice guy, knows all the rules, never had any problems with him, very active, great at ct and being warden, think he would make a pretty good mod....and....DAT ACCENT!

Maturity: 9/10 very mature

Activity: Very active on the CS:S servers

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Thanks for all the support! I cant even begin to tell everyone how much I appreciate it!


Also, i'll be very active on the new Brittish Jailbreak server.


One last thing, did anyone even bother reading the wall of text? :3

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Also forgot to mention that he'd be VERY active on the UK server compared to everyone else, because of his better connection there. Pic semirelated when Pyro closes the thread due to lack of furries.

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