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Remove picture unban?

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If I was a SMART troll, I would just get myself banned and then buy another copy of CS:S for the $5 it costs me to buy it on steam.


I could do this 4 total times for a total of 4 un-bans. Or I could "BUY" an un-ban from the server for $20 1 time, but I probably wouldn't because that's a waste of money.


I'm just saying, IF I was a SMART troll.


you do no we can ban by either steam id or IP..

meaning if we ban the steam id your explantion would work, however if we ban the IP adress he needs to get a new computer or internet connection :P

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smoker dont help them )_)


mohammad ur helpin them in a way as well )_)


I use to think we should not have a free pass. But seeing all the perms with the reason of "ive changed" or sum crap about "it was my brother" it makes more sense.


The freepass lets u screw up once. Then provides ur one (and hopefully) only option to come back.

This takes away the circle debates of people changin and it was my brother crap.


Otherwise, its a constant shit storm of posts on why they should be unpermed, listed with sum answer to make it valid.

then a buch of +1 from derps. then uban.


then person gets permed again.


then repeat process again in 3-6mo


then repeat


circle debate.


Keep the freepass. How they have to use it I dont care. Pic or pay or both, whatever.


In the end the freepass process will save time and effort on those in charge. As well helping the xG.


If you need to be permed twice for legit reasons (not some clown admin), stay gone.

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So let me get this straight they have to donate a total of $20 to be unbanned? If they already do this once and get unbanned and then perm'd again for the same reason could they get unbanned again? Finally you guys aren't thinking about who you are unbanning with the whole I <3 Silence thing and helping them out! Your basically giving them a key for them to come back and do the same shit all over again!

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So let me get this straight they have to donate a total of $20 to be unbanned? If they already do this once and get unbanned and then perm'd again for the same reason could they get unbanned again? Finally you guys aren't thinking about who you are unbanning with the whole I <3 Silence thing and helping them out! Your basically giving them a key for them to come back and do the same shit all over again!


Im pretty sure this should only be a one time thing.

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It was not included so that's why I'm bringing it up or are we using the same rules as the last unban?


A whole bunch of people are getting perm'd because they mass freekill and then they leave the server! This is why we should have this changed because in the total 3 weeks I've been MOD I've perm'd around 4 - 6 people for mass freekilling and then they fled, or they came on and mass freekilled with aimbot (this only happened once and this is rare!).

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omfg, THE I LOVE SILENCE IS A ONE TIME THING, ONE TIME MEANING IF THEY USE IT ONCE, THEY CANT EVER USE IT AGAIN, EVER, if they havent used it yet, then they'll have to donate 20 bucks and post a picture of themselves to get unbanned, if they used their one time picture, they cant use it again, even if they donate

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I wasn't talking about the I <3 Silence thing I was talking about donating $20 but you have to anyways to get unbanned along with the picture so I'm ok now I understand thank you Serbian.

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The 20 dollar thing is definetly better. At least people have to actually give something up to get unbanned, instead of just posting a 5 sec picture.


Btw i think the 20 dollars should be included in with the picture for added humiliation :)

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Ok, think of it like this:

If a person gets caught for having a gun, they get a very minor jail sentence (idk how realistic this is) and if they are caught again, they will get a longer sentence! This is how it works and it works very well!

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you do no we can ban by either steam id or IP..

meaning if we ban the steam id your explantion would work, however if we ban the IP adress he needs to get a new computer or internet connection :P


It would work you blutty nubcake, each steam account holds a different unique steam ID they don't carry across. Banning by IP only works until their router gets restarted as the IP will change on each new startup unless they're on some 10 year old shitty static configuration.


The best way to ban someone is by MAC address as this unchangable unless you buy a new network card, but this is not possible on counter strike sadly so you gotta just keep banning the new Steam ID's. :P


Anywayyyyyyyy this whole process is rather degrading and unprofessional for both sides, whatever system you decide to use it should not be made public.

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Ok, think of it like this:

If a person gets caught for having a gun, they get a very minor jail sentence (idk how realistic this is) and if they are caught again, they will get a longer sentence! This is how it works and it works very well!


If a person is caught having a gun during a search without proclaiming it, it would be considered a misdomeanor. In most states you'll just get fined or have extra time tacked onto your sentance if combined with resisting, but if judge is a dick, then you will probably get a month or so in county plus a year or so on probation. Carrying a firearm in public (causing people to freak out, but not used in a threating mannor) would get you charged with "disturbing the peace", which can either be an infraction or a misdemanor depending on how it's handled by everyone.


However, a felon cannot own a gun under any circumstane (granted they weren't expunged or passed the statute of limitations), and will result in a minimum sentance of 1 year in prison. If the weapon is used in another crime (such as armed robbery or muder II), then the sentance will be exacerbated.


Now you know how felony gun laws work for the most part!

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The 20 dollar thing is definetly better. At least people have to actually give something up to get unbanned, instead of just posting a 5 sec picture.


Btw i think the 20 dollars should be included in with the picture for added humiliation :)


It is, you have to donate 20 dollars, and add the picture to be unbanned

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Post a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper that says 'I <3 XENO GAMERS' If you aren't ban you get a free unban! THIS ONLY WORKS ONCE!


Dumbasses. Obviously you CAN'T READ!

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