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How will the world end?

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Not dissin' anyone, but I find it funny when people say they want a zombie apocalypse so bad when they would most likely be dead or shitting their pants.


way to burst my bubble

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Not dissin' anyone, but I find it funny when people say they want a zombie apocalypse so bad when they would most likely be dead or shitting their pants.


No shit sherlock, did you come up with that on your own?

I'd probably die in the first week <_<, but still love zombies.


I've been wanting to get the Zombie Survival guide and world war Z books, but they don't sell em here and i dont like buying shit online. :l

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Yes oil is an issue like many other things, but even though it may not look like it, people know what they're doing. There are still many oil reservations in the world and I agree that it may begin wars, but no nation, unless they are run by a 12 year old COD kid, would resort to nuclear bombs.


Also, the Cuban missile crisis was when nuclear bombs were only owned by the best. Things would be uneasy because there had been no prior event to look back on about nukes.


I will kill all of you. except i dont play cod.

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America is already fucked by the debt it is in. the government has always been corrupt... it will never go to good, if at all the Us isn't being the bully any more, china will be... with their technology and w/e else they have/capable of doing. Hey im not smart but I'l tell you america fucked up, BIG TIME.

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War cuz sooner or later we are gonna kill each other with our magical pew pew sticks and boom boom rocks and our flying machines and our chemicals and what not ...

then again if i let out a rly rly big fart it cud cause the world to explode?

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Oh hey kiddies. It seems I'm the only ACTUAL survivalist here. So here's the low-down for y'all noobs:


1. China would not go "apeshit" on us and start a war. Thier economy is slowing and is starting to go into a recession, because of our shitty economy. They depended on our commercialism. Since we're capitalistic, we export our jobs to the lowest bidder, which WAS China. Since thier standard of living has gone up, so has thier wages, and they've lost many jobs to cheaper countries like Vietnam or Micronesia. What would they gain by attacking us? They would lose all thier oil/trade negotiations with NATO/EU. The US doesn't have a good payoff of resources/land for the cost of war. This applies to Russia also.

2. The Yellowstone Supervolcano last erupted 70,000 years ago, and won't explode for another few thousand years. The chance that it would explode in our lifetime is .0002%. The only way it would really erupt would be if it was hit by a bunker-buster, and the eruption would be minor.

3. Zombies? No. We aren't 10 anymore.

4. Supervirus? Possible. More likely through terrorists forcefully evolving it. Wouldn't kill everyone though; only some children and elderly would perish due to thier low immune systems. Remember that the Swine Flu was a lab-produced viralweapon that got out by accident. The main concern would be everyone freaking out like derps.

5. EMP? BULLSHIT is more like it. We'd see the "EMP missile" as it was being launched, and we'd fire all of our nukes back. It's called MAD, or Mutually Assured Destruction. Nobody would be that dumb, not even Iran. Even North Korea is getting rid of thier nuclear program after we gave them 400,000 tons of food.

6. Solar flare? Nope. We had a massive solar flare a while ago. Nothing happened except some radio problems.

7. King J is right about the asteriod. Kudos :D


Your main concern is the US gov't. Move before they try to fuck everyone over and cause a civil war. They use, control, and manipulate us. They only side with the rich and powerful, they could give a fuck less about us. All of thier decisions are made through a process called "lobbying" in which an organization gives a legislator money to "change thier mind about things". Basically, it's a bribe. That's how all the decesions are made, bribes. We're no longer a democracy, but a facist republic.


Edit: 8. Economic collaspe is highly improbable. Technically our GDP has been increasing since the great depression, meaning we're not even in a true recession. So people need to quit thier bitching. Even if it did somehow collaspe, we'd still get it back on track.

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I'm an optimistic person, I don't really imagine things like this... But if the world was to end, I'd say it'd be our own doing. Whether by nuclear fallout, war or just poor environment treatment.

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Nope, its zombies. Too bad. If the world is going to end it will be zombies. Nope. You say you want a nuclear war? Too bad! Zombies.

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