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Joseph Kony 2012

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implying that its gonna change anything

there are bigger problems than some war lord in africa recruiting children (not the first one to do it either), yet these days its all about what everyones reposting on facebook

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i'm doing more than posting on facebook -.-

inb4 giant debate and 30 lock requests, I'm done posting here kthxbai

(and i know people who have had family kidnapped by kony....)

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not trying to offend anyone here, im just stating the truth, as bad as it is. its like donating food for the hungry in africa, it will help in the short run, but in the long run, it'll make it worse, cause the food trucks can only go to places where there are roads connecting them, and a majority of the hungry are in places without road access, but when a farmer does make enough surplus food to sell it, he would go to the city or a major location and set up shop there, but by then the food trucks will be giving out free food, and so he has to compete with free food and still be able to make some money, long story short, he doesnt make any money, prob used more just travelling there and the food goes to waste


but thats not the point, hopefully ur message gets across to other people and something does happen

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not trying to offend anyone here, im just stating the truth, as bad as it is. its like donating food for the hungry in africa, it will help in the short run, but in the long run, it'll make it worse, cause the food trucks can only go to places where there are roads connecting them, and a majority of the hungry are in places without road access, but when a farmer does make enough surplus food to sell it, he would go to the city or a major location and set up shop there, but by then the food trucks will be giving out free food, and so he has to compete with free food and still be able to make some money, long story short, he doesnt make any money, prob used more just travelling there and the food goes to waste


but thats not the point, hopefully ur message gets across to other people and something does happen


dont forget how much money it cost to give the food out, we will be increasing our debt on something that hurts others in the end. Unless you plan on walking to everyone house and giving them free food :)

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i think its fine, i mean the soilders deployed arnt fighting, so theyre wont be any civilian mis fires or shit like that, i dont see what wrong with helping



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Serbian, you don't even act like it effects you i really wish, like a srs wish, you were born in africa, with the knowledge you have now. Have to live threw that, go fuck your self idiot.


What people don't understand is, this could be you, this could be your friend, Just because this is the only 1 that has been brought to life, is because the person who made this wanted a end to this, just beacuse this is the only 1 that has a spotlight on it, doesn't give you the right to say you don't care, to say it's just mainstream, it says that the person who made this cares, you are a complete dick. April 20th 2012, is a day i'll be taking action, no matter who joins me in my state, But i will get a group of friends together and do it with em, Just cause your a self righteous dick that doesn't care about anything but your self, or your surroundings doesn't give you the right to trash others. Fuck off Serbian

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Serbian, you don't even act like it effects you i really wish, like a srs wish, you were born in africa, with the knowledge you have now. Have to live threw that, go fuck your self idiot.


What people don't understand is, this could be you, this could be your friend, Just because this is the only 1 that has been brought to life, is because the person who made this wanted a end to this, just beacuse this is the only 1 that has a spotlight on it, doesn't give you the right to say you don't care, to say it's just mainstream, it says that the person who made this cares, you are a complete dick. April 20th 2012, is a day i'll be taking action, no matter who joins me in my state, But i will get a group of friends together and do it with em, Just cause your a self righteous dick that doesn't care about anything but your self, or your surroundings doesn't give you the right to trash others. Fuck off Serbian


I understand where you're coming from, but you aren't understanding what Serbian is saying. Serbian is a realist like me and is just pointing out that all of what these people are doing is great and wishes that it would it do wonders for all of the people they're trying to help and all, but we live in a time that people get bored and forget things after awhile. Doing all of this may get the government to do something about it, but in the long run, more blood may be shed, new wars may begin and more families may be ruined. Overall, I want this to be stopped equally as much as the next guy, but like the video said, he is aware of the US and Uganda military and is changing his tactics and most likely going into hiding. We've seen something like this (cough* Bin Laden *cough) and it took a long time to find him, many people killed and much money lost to something that could have been put towards many other things that are wrong in this world (Conspiracy theories aside). I truly wish that all of these kids would be helped and live a life that we are lucky enough to live, but think about it, if we help these kids and get them out of this situation, most of they are just going to go back to live in poverty. Serbian made a good point and for you to call him an idiot and act like you're the only rational person here just shows you don't understand what he's saying. I think it's great that people are getting together to promote peace and prosperity, but their's always pros and cons to everything and unfortunately, their are more cons to pros on this one.

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@ Serbian, also remember that the majority of food doesn't even get to the people that need it. Most of the time the food is taken by warlords or powerful people, spread through the elite, and then the excess food is sold to the poor at high prices. It's exactly like what happens when we send food to North Korea.


@ Rabid, I see your point, but it allows warlords to get even more power. People who need the food don't even get it. UNICEF isn't authorized to have armed escorts for thier convoys (being a non-profit org.). The best we can do for Africa is to donate to the education system. It is somewhat less corrupt.

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@ Serbian, also remember that the majority of food doesn't even get to the people that need it. Most of the time the food is taken by warlords or powerful people, spread through the elite, and then the excess food is sold to the poor at high prices. It's exactly like what happens when we send food to North Korea.


Only 33% gets to the people who actually need it

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Sure, this is an issue.


But did it really take some hipster with a liberal arts degree that had one instance with a child make you all realize you need to do something now?


First of all, a majority of the protesters now wouldn't have cared about this issue before even if it bit them in the aft end. It's all about mob mentality and being cool and doing something right because someone is doing something wrong. Well, they see a cause, but don't see the realistic benefits, which is why I am doing my research before jumping into this cause.


Second of all, why don't these protesters find other things in this world that are extremely outrageous that are happening now? Between the time period of SOPA and PIPA's high time, people couldn't even answer questions about SOPA. They didn't even know what the bill really did. Overall it was bad...but it never threaten to censor the internet... These people don't know what they are fighting for because they are joining in without a FACTUAL belief or cause, so in turn may make problems worse.


He's going to escape the fucking country and the only way we are going to get him is with the military likes the United State's. Sorry to say, but foreign does shit if it's only the United States doing it.


I tried to promote SOPA in a fashion to where I knew what I was talking about. Not some cause where I didn't know anything about it. I at least want people to form their own opinions, not follow this hipster in the footsteps because while the cause is just, the success is unrealistic according to what he wants. PLEASE. THINK.

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rabid, i didnt say that i dont care about this issue, i merely stated the hard truth about it, i want this guy captured as much as the next person, and from what ive read, the whole LRA thing has more or less stopped, the ugandan govt fought back and beat the LRA, they are negotiating peace talks with them at the moment, i never intended to look like a self righteous dick nor will i ever, sorry if i have offended you but im just saying it as it is, and no more.


read this, its about the kony 2012 thing the visible problem with invisible children

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Sierra Leone or Uganda. I donate to those places when I can. Sierra Leone got out of a brutal civil war over blood diamonds in 2002ish, and Uganda is having a **** time with the ******* Lord's Resistance Army, which is trying to overthrow the government...I honestly don't see how the LRA isn't viewed the same as Al-Qaeda. [/rant]


I posted this in August. What Is Your Favorite African Country?


Anyone who says "this man should be hunted down because he did so much bad to Uganda" obvioulsy didn't give a shit. You're all just jumping on the bandwagon. You all don't give a fuck about Uganda; if you did you'd donate or volunteer to help out in what ways you can.


Hypocrites make me sick.

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