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No Demos yet, but he does it so often I think I have enough eye-witnesses.



  • Shows lack of knowledge for the motd, by getting me killed after a guncheck (known as afk freeze). Another order was given to vote on what to do, therefore the guncheck is over.
  • Questions about the use of his powers, not sure if it is against the rule.
  • Arogant, annoying, and a menance to xG members.
  • Shows great favourtism in some ordeals (you know what I mean).
  • Doesn't slay himself when he obviously freekills (not listening to warden).
  • Gagging me without warning for typing numbers in chat for trivia (I typed 5 seperate numbers).


He was told he had one more chance before, I don't think it worked.

He makes Paid Admins/Moderators look bad, after a person meets him they'll get a bad impression and hate the other PA/PM.


If not removal from xG atleast strip his PA/PM.

This has nothing to do with the 2 weeks of grace for Mods ect (as i've read before). He clearly knows what he's doing with his powers.


Now, don't just read this listen to others who post on what he has done bad before.

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Lately he has become something of a douche. Bragging before he even got his PA, Tried to rub it in my face because I so obviously care, and saying stuff that really makes me want to punch his face in the next time I see him (be proud, I haven't).


But as much as I want this we need the proof. So I stay at 0. Maybe I'll hop on and get a demo personally. Ugh, here comes a headache.

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Really Minecrack? You need to read the motd. I have freeslayed once in the time I have been PA and I talked to Starbuck because I thought the person needed to be slayed. So in the end I was slayed. And as far as the freekilling goes, that is completely not true. I have killed you on multiple occasions for cell hoping and leaveing your cell and running back in before the orders. This goes for other people as well. Just because you jump out and back inside your cell doesnt mean you are not a rebel. Also on a afk freeze that means YOU CANT KNIFE, LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE, JUMP, OR CROUCH. And as far as not slaying myself when i freekill, I always do it. Killing you for all the reasons above is not considered freekilling and doesnt need a slay. And for the 1 gag I did on you, it was because you spammed altleast 8 lines of numbers for a trivia game that was already over.


And cookie, I mssged you once in steam chat telling you that I got PA with a :D. Thats not bragging, thats just being excited I got PA and I wanted to tell my friends that I had got it. I dont see how one message is "rubbing it in your face"


Why would I abuse admin after a few days after paying $50 it.


/requestclose until minecrack calms down.

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Really Minecrack? You need to read the motd. I have freeslayed once in the time I have been PA and I talked to Starbuck because I thought the person needed to be slayed. So in the end I was slayed. And as far as the freekilling goes, that is completely not true. I have killed you on multiple occasions for cell hoping and leaveing your cell and running back in before the orders. This goes for other people as well. Just because you jump out and back inside your cell doesnt mean you are not a rebel. Also on a afk freeze that means YOU CANT KNIFE, LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE, JUMP, OR CROUCH. And as far as not slaying myself when i freekill, I always do it. Killing you for all the reasons above is not considered freekilling and doesnt need a slay. And for the 1 gag I did on you, it was because you spammed altleast 8 lines of numbers for a trivia game that was already over.


And cookie, I mssged you once in steam chat telling you that I got PA with a :D. Thats not bragging, thats just being excited I got PA and I wanted to tell my friends that I had got it. I dont see how one message is "rubbing it in your face"


Why would I abuse admin after a few days after paying $50 it.


/requestclose until minecrack calms down.


Lol you cant request close on your own abuse thread -_-

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Didn't read your whole post but here's a couple responses to your post:

Why would I abuse admin after a few days after paying $50 it.

Even if not intentional, freeslaying can be interpreted as abuse to the players. I could go on and on about this but I won't.



No. You're not a forum moderator. Ban request for impersonation? lol jk jk but really why?


Alright so here's my two cents...


You had an open mod app which had a lot of -1's so it's obvious some people didn't think you were ready for it. Now, I understand that not everyone will be loved and -1's happen, but I think everyone would agree you had more than average. So, you bought admin, so now you got some weight and rank to throw around - doesn't mean the community respects you.


And I don't really have proof of this but it's been my experience:

  • Before he even donated he bragged in chatbox about getting admin. This isn't really abuse in any way but it's bad PR.
  • Everytime I've played with him he needs to ask about everything. And this isn't simple learning questions being asked. Players have asked questions about standard motd rules and he has blatantly said "i don't know" - How can someone enforce the rules if they don't understand them?


I have no proof on any of this unfortunately.


I would +1 this all day long but we do need proof guys even though we've all seen it we need to pool our evidence. GO GO GO.

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I really dont think he was ready for Admin or Mod, most people didn't even want him to get mod, let alone admin. I can also predict stego is gonna pent out his rage or make a paragraph long arguement on how shit was an accident or what happened (EDIT: already made one). Just like any other person that makes him mad, he has to start an arguement with them. I'm not saying I hate stego, because I don't, I just think he should have mod maybe for a month so he can get practice before he gets all the way to admin. Its great that he donated and helped the server, but atleast get taught some shit before changing the game you love to play and hang out on, into the server you have to baby and look after.


TL;DR: I'm at a 0 because people make mistakes and he needs more practice with being in charge.

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This is a tricky situation. Typically I encourage people to donate for the sake of donating. The hatpacks, for example, plainly say they're a thank you or a gift for donating. The paid mod and paid admin thing was outright selling the power.


Stego I don't see what you did as a donation, I see it as buying powers. Which I'm not saying is good or bad on your part. It was put out on steam to go buy powers and that's what you did. So fine, I've not nothing against paying for powers. But without the respect and support of the community it's going to be a struggle for you.


What I think really hurt your character, and something I personally will hold against you, is that you smeared it in everyone's face....

  • You posted in the chatbox bragging about getting it
  • You publicly announced in game a dozen times on your first day "if anyone needs help i have !admin" now - this was directed at other mods and admins, when there were notibly other mods and admins on
  • You were given (I mean bought) an inch but tried to take a mile "can I accept xg apps"


You say you don't know the commands, then it's fine to ask. Not sure why you spammed chatbox with it but that's your choice. No problem with that.


But, on that token, here's problems I do have. You admitted to not having an understand of the rules - you have access to the rules as a non-admin so why not look that shit up? Also, you admit to not having the experience - then why jump in? I understand you have to do it to get the experience, but why buy admin and try to jump in and offer to help everyone with your magical admin powers when all you'd do is turn around and ask anyway?


Yeah, I've got admin experience, but even with that you wanna know what I did? I sat my ass in spec for 2 days and watched, to see how the existing mods and admins handled situations. You still gotta learn how the community is run and follow the lead of the leaders that came before you and outrank you. That's why your app got so many -1's and that's why we're having this discussion right now.


You're a good guy and I'm sure you want the best for the community, but it's been made clear time and time again that you might not be ready for the responsibility of admin. Maybe you haven't abused your powers, and maybe you've only misused them here and there. And of course I understand it takes time to learn. But Stego you just weren't even prepared for this and you just jumped in.


As for the money... That original post offered to sell powers did say they could be revoked if you misused them. And, being that you already received your "final warning" prior to that should have been a red flag that you're on a slipperly slope anyway. If you end up losing admin at least you're still supporting the community - even though you don't see it that way.


Just a random screeny of some of the bragging that makes you look like a derp in my opinion...




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^ you said he needs practice as mod before admin.


But hes not an admin, hes a payed which is lower than mod in the rankings. However payed admins can be promod to mod if they prove themselves.


Overall, it seems like everyone is throwing a pretty big fit. Maybe he does need to get to know the rules better. But put him on very close watch at the least if theres no proof.

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Also I'd just add that every single xG member is responsible for representing our community both on and off our servers. Even in the general staff thread thingy it says mods need to be role models. What kind of representative and role model brags about being admin then gets asked about a rule and responds "I 'unno" then proceeds to PM spam everyone?


I don't want that to sound harsh but that's basically what I've seen happen time and time again.

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