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Fair Enough Sirs Member Application

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You seem to be an oldfag and a lot of people know you, so no offense since I am a newfag...


I'm not going to officially "vouch" for what it's worth, but I want to make a few points:


I played with you on JB today and...


You baited. Hardcore. A lot.

You were wearing xG tag (yet you appear to not actually be in the clan).

Other than that, you were fun to play with and you seem to know what's going on BUT please read the motd, it's obvious that it't evolved since you've last played.

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You seem to be an oldfag and a lot of people know you, so no offense since I am a newfag...


I'm not going to officially "vouch" for what it's worth, but I want to make a few points:


I played with you on JB today and...


You baited. Hardcore. A lot.

You were wearing xG tag (yet you appear to not actually be in the clan).

Other than that, you were fun to play with and you seem to know what's going on BUT please read the motd, it's obvious that it't evolved since you've last played.


Your post is pretty spot on, except I don't bait.


Yes it has evolved, I'll read up on it. Thanks

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Decision: +1


Activity: ?/10

Maturity: 9/10


As I said I don't really know him and I haven't played with him before today. Yet his sincere and quick response to my post shows his sincerity and interest.


Your post is pretty spot on, except I don't bait.


Yes it has evolved, I'll read up on it. Thanks

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R: old xg, pretty good warden, and a fun guy


....wait a minute it says that he's an xG member already...did one of the co leaders forget to make him a non member when he left?

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