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New Moderator Guide

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[MARQUEE] Thank You_______Slipery Fingers_______Images Courtesy of xG:A Haadron[/MARQUEE]

This thread was created with the intend of teaching new moderators, so they do not have to be physically trained by another in order to learn commands and such.


Please realize that this does not replace the !motd, or admin hand book in anyway shape or form.



So first off lets start with the primary menu;


This is the "main menu" you use this hub to access the three primary menu's from this menu those three being;


Player Commands

Server Commands

SwapTeam Commands


To access this menu you must type the following;

Console Command;


in-game command;

!admin (in open chat "y button")

Bind Command

Bind f1 "say !admin" (you can customize the key to what ever you wish to by removing f1)



Player Commands;


Player commands is going to be the menu you access the most. From player commands you can access the following;


Slay Player: Kills a player for the round. Command:

Kick Player: Boots the player from the server, they can rejoin. Command:

Ban Player: disallows the player from joining any of XenoGamers servers. Command:

Gag/Mute Player: Gag, will not allow a player from speaking in chat box. Mute, will not allow a player from speaking with a microphone.

Ban disconnected Player: If a player has disconnect to avoid a punishment, ban them from this menu.

Identify Player: If you think someone is an admin, or is posing as one. This will tell you whom they are.

Remove from queue: This will remove a player from the queue to join Counter Terrorists.



!kick NameHere

!ban NameHere

!mute NameHere

!gag NameHere

!who NameHere

!teamban [Name] [Time in minutes] [Reason] (Ct ban)

!ban [Name] [Time in minutes] [Reason] (Regular ban)


Server Commands;


Server commands are simple commands used to edit server side information.

From server commands you can access the following;


Reload Admin: Will reload the list of admins onto the server.

Admin Spray: Allows you to move any spray on the server.

Remove Spray: Allows you to remove any spray, and either give the player a warning, or kick.

Trace Spray: Allows you to see whom ever sprayed any spray on the server.


SwapTeam Commands;


Swapteam commands allow you to swap players to any team or spectator.

From Swapteam commands you can access the following;


Swap Player immediately: Swaps a player once you press the button

Swap Player On Death: As soon as a player you chose dies, he will be switched to the team of your choice

Swap Player On Round End: As soon as the round ends, the player of your choice will be switched to the team of your choice

Swap Player To Specator: This will move any player into spectate.



!spec NameHere

!teamswitch NameHere



@ in all chat (All admin chat)

@ in team chat (Admin chat)

@@[Name] (Private message)

!stoplr (Abort lr)

!pass (Pass warden)



If anyone needs practice using their commands add my on steam, and I will gladly allow you to test commands out on me

[MARQUEE] Thank You__Slipery Fingers_______Images Courtesy of xG:A Haadron[/MARQUEE]






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Here is some other commands:


@ in all chat (All admin chat)

@ in team chat (Admin chat)

@@[Name] (Private message)

!stoplr (Abort lr)

!pass (Pass warden)

!teamban [Name] [Time in minutes] [Reason] (Ct ban)

!ban [Name] [Time in minutes] [Reason] (Regular ban)


The admin handbook should also be read carefully. Admin Handbook


To all new moderators, remember not to abuse the all admin chat!

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Yo dis shit is tight son. Teachin' the young blood how to keep the bitches on check naaa'm sayin trigga?


But yeah this actually looks really helpful. Nice job Slappery :afro:

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