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Sigh once again.

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I know a majority of you hate me, i deserve it, I have been nothing but crude to all of you. And the few i am nice to i am still a jerk to you.I have been banned, i have left the clan, i have been promoted, I have been demoted, more then all of you, i do not deserve the right to be in xG because of the fact i have hacked,Just today i have been banned perm from team speak, Most of you don't care to give me the time of day, But i am just telling you guys goodbye, The run has been good doesn't look good from here. To be honest i don't believe i deserve this team speak ban knowing it's 1 of the only things i have left of xG but i guess i have lost this privilege. i am mainly sorry for any 1 who i have trolled no this is not an asking for forgiveness thread either, so that's all i will say on that topic, Maybe in the future i can be unbanned from teamspeak i sure hope so, But for now i guess this is my good bye :\ Thanks for everthing xG


all i have left in xG is mine craft if you guys take that away to i will have nothing left in xG.

I do have moderator status in there, and i do plan on using it correctly if i get the privilege of keeping it.







In message to silence-

Honestly i have done nothing to you, you are just bored so you find something to do in this case you say rabid did something when i clearly did nothing, you are just trying to find a way to cope with youre bordem so you take it out on me, this makes no sense on why i was banned you won't even give me a reasoning.

honestly i have done nothing to you ever, all you do is yell in my channel,spam,playmusic,ddos people. and so on you are easily 1 of the most immature people i have met on the internet, and that includes my self. yet you have rules in your clan over everything and you still break every single one, and yet i am the 1 punished for it, All i do is sit in my channel on teamspeak, sometimes go to other's channels and whistle, maybe yell if i get heated, nothign to resualt in a perm ban, this was comtpley out of the blue and typical behavior from you. Honestly all i can say at this point is you're pathetic...

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I've never been overly offended by anything you've said, and i've managed to take it as a joke (pretty sure you've never actually said anything bad in the first place, and anything you said was probably in fact a joke) Though I can understand how people who don't know you better or aren't willing to understand the intent of the things you say would find it offensive/take it worse than it is.


As much as this may be understandable, this makes me pretty bummed out.

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I feel like I haven't really played with you a whole lot, maybe a handful of times. On jailbreak, mostly late nights. And in that short short time, I gotta be honest, you left me with a very negative experience. I've left the game and left teamspeak just so I didn't have to put up with you. And even so, I've defended you time and time again (just tonight even) because I know you're just being a troll. I've accepted the fact that it's just who you are, and I've defended that, yet you continued to troll me - even in the short times we played together. Not sure what I ever did to you to deserve it, especially since I tried to defend you. Not sure how people have learned to put up with you.


That's just my 2 cents. Really though, I wish you good luck as I do everyone. It's just who you are and I can't hold that against you.

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lol hes silence, he can do whatever the fuck he wants. if i owned a bunch of high name servers, i would do WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT. i would break my own rules, i would be an ass to people, i would micspam, ddos people, and play music all i want. nothing wrong with that in my eyes. keep up the good work silence ;)

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lol hes silence, he can do whatever the fuck he wants. if i owned a bunch of high name servers, i would do WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT. i would break my own rules, i would be an ass to people, i would micspam, ddos people, and play music all i want. nothing wrong with that in my eyes. keep up the good work silence ;)


You have no idea on how to run a clan do you? this clan has litterly gone down in population so much, we use to out rank hellsgamers, no we don't even scratch them, By being a troll of an owner if he does litterly anything wrong to his members, it makes them not want to play, it makes people not like him, he gives his own clan a bad rep. Before you talk newfag, learn the history of xG

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I still like you :3. You're like a brother to me really! You help me out whenever I am down :). It really sucks to see this thread :(

I hope you can get unbanned soon that would be awesome :rapture:. Until then, I hope you will still talk with me.


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lol remember that time aegean quit cause silence was a douche.

remeber that time the div leaders left

remember that time syn left to make a new clan and half the members followed or agreed

remember illuminti

remember when he got us all banned from hellsgamers?

remember when half of our new member apps are 12 year olds and the clan is 15+


Lead by example

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So Rabid, I don't understand. You're saying you're leaving and insult Silence but still want to keep Minecraft Moderator...?

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The community is getting kind of crap lately, even some of the mods are just disrespectful and take the fun out of the game completely :/ They use their powers to slay/ban with ANY excuse possible especially with this new disrespect protocal.


You've had your shit that you've done but you're still an old fag to the community and ill miss those days in jailbreak =/

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