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Community Culture and Acceptance of Minorities

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another co leader stepping in as well, what u have to take into consideration is the corruption of the meaning of the word "nigga", it originally meant "nigger", however its changed throughout history to mean more of a close friend to someone. "nigger" however, hasnt changed, its meaning stayed the same which is the defamation of african americans and will prob stay the same.


thats what the racism rule refers to, ppl can say "nigga" over mic or chat because its not considered offensive cause its definition isnt offensive, "nigger" is always taken seriously and ppl are punished for saying it (depends on its context though)


as for sexism, im not rly sure how to approach it because there hasnt been enough problems that we had that had something to do with sexism, so i cant be of much help there.


as for "faggot", its the same thing with "nigga", its present definition on the internet has nothing to do with the LGBT community, we actually have several clan members that are gay themselves and they have no problem with others saying it, there was actually a problem months back where a non member was complaining about how ppl can say "faggot" on the server, but he cant say "nigger", i explained to him that the definitions for "faggot" changed whereas "nigger" hasnt, than he went on to say how hes offended by it cause his brother is gay, i told him to stop taking it seriously cause none of its been directed towards his brother or any gay person.


as for the ableism, i personally think its wrong that ppl would make fun of others by calling them "autistic" or saying they have "teh downs", ill admit, ive done it myself before, but i dont feel right doing it at all, regardless of who it is, ill see about putting some kind of rule for ableism later on though


the internet can be a great place to meet ppl and learn new things that are greatly beneficial to you and others, but like everything, theres also a downside, that being the trolls, the free use of racism and sexism etc, the gore pics, stuff that would traumatize ppl for a long time, but in the end its about balance, that being able to balance urself on the good and the bad side of things, such as getting tips for working out while at the same time learning to sniff out trolls and/or ignoring offensive comments that have little to no contribution and are only intended to flame others


side note, i look at gore pics very infrequently, however its to desensitize myself for the future (going into criminology, prob border security), it may seem like something sick or wrong to do, but it will keep me together if i ever get into a bad situation.

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Since we are talking about the N-word. Why aren't we also discussing the impact of the word "wigger" or a shortening of the term, white nigger. That is also a demeaning term but no one cares about it.

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Bra you can't be all up in our shit like dat. Internet be consisting of 3 things, hmmmkay.



1 br0ni1es


2 Serious weight liftin' brotherhood niggas


3. Netex.



You either be 1 or the other.







But in all seriousness, its the internet. If you want culture go to the opera.


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Since we are talking about the N-word. Why aren't we also discussing the impact of the word "wigger" or a shortening of the term, white nigger. That is also a demeaning term but no one cares about it.


It is a very complicated situation. While a lot of people feel comfortable with that word, i do not. I don't like the word is because you are making fun of a certain type of people for acting black, because only black people are suppose to be "unintelligent", "like rap", etc. There is a good documentary called Blacking Up that tries to address white people who "act black" and how society reacts to that.


Points that are brought up

1. White people are harassed/beat up by other white people for appearing to be in the hip-hop culture

2. Black face

3. Imitation is a form of flattery


Here is the video, scroll down halfway to watch Blacking Up. http://commten.weebly.com/extra-credit.html



EDIT. i would like to add the reason why people are comfortable using that word is because it does have a history of oppression. Turns out today, white people use it against other white people as you'll see in the documentary.


My position is that i am okay if you want to be white and act like a hip hop artist; skin isn't the important factor, culture and income are vastly more significant. Problems often arise when you do it just to make fun of like the music producers did with Vanilla Ice.

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Is it wrong to argue that males of African American descent are more likely to do more sordid and vile acts against humanity? If you look at any state's county jail, you'll find the vast majority of prisoners are African American, or have an ancestry of African American, whether they be grandfathers, etc.


Look at this chart.



Is it wrong to assume so?


After all, this is but a mere gaming community. We're not an organization of Klu Klux Klan members that are trying to rid society of the impure. It's mostly adolescences having fun while they still can, whether they be social outcasts, homesick or just looking for enjoyment. Do not take every comment seriously. If you do, you may wind up in a position you could have easily avoided, if you had taken a moment, and decided whether or not the comment was truthfully hateful.


What the fuck did I just type


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I was going to say something really intelligent and my mobile's delete key decided to derp out and erase it.


So I'll just sum it up and say: you know what they say about the word assume... :D


Joking aside, the only way to kill the stereotype that black males are more prone to criminal activity is for a scientific study to be done on prison populations. Follow a random sampling of prisons for say 20 years minimum. The data should be tabulated by race and gender first. Then cross-reference it with offenses committed to discover the truth.


I hope that made sense Brian.

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Follow a random sampling of prisons for say 20 years minimum. The data should be tabulated by race and gender first. Then cross-reference it with offenses committed to discover the truth.


Made sense but you would get a flawed interpretation.


There isn't really a need to follow people for 20 years either, unless you wanted to show changes in growth (or if you wanted a job for 20 years, but that is a statistics secret).


Essentially, what you are proposing is a multiple regression and you want to find the best predictor for incarceration. Race would have a strong correlation, but its predictive capabilities would be consumed by any measure of poverty. Split the African American population by incomes and you will see a vast drop in incarceration rates which suggests that it is important to fund inner city schools and African American scholarships.


Edit. I am going in deeper here.


So when people associate black people with jail life, it is factually accurate (descriptive statistics) but intellectually misleading. I work with a lot of data that suggests that men and less intelligent than women, but gender isn't the primary cause. So if you perpetuate the stereotype on the simple factual level of descriptive statistics, you'll misinterpret data and risk harming people.


So when people use these words associated with certain races, it is reinforcing the misinformed descriptive statistics about jail profiles.



But the admins have made it clear they they do not mean to use the language in a racially associated way. Doesn't seem like the Brony thing to do, any.

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It's a game clan. No need to go in depth. Just relax.


Also, are you really going to argue the language we use? It's a game about planting explosives, killing those who don't obey, and having a single leader.


You could just as easily argue that this game promotes terrorism and socialism.


Just don't take it too seriously.

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Allow me to put it in SIMPLE words. CS:S is an M rated game, meaning you must be 17+ or have an adult buy it for you. as it is M rated you know what you are getting into with the diction used by the players. so the only real idea that should be thought in regards to whether you like something said or not is: "nut up or shut up" there is a mute feature for voice. use it, and you can easily avoid text by not paying attention. in JB all orders must be over mic, so jut don't read chat.

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