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Need girl advice

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Well, my most recent ex and I broke up this January. We would email or text like once a month since then but now last week she sent me a friend request on Facebook. We've been talking more and now she wants lunch. Is this good? What do? Do I have to pay (lol)?


Now, my ex before her, her and I broke up almost 2 years ago, but now I just got an email from her too saying she wants to talk again and be friends again. Is this good? What do?


I got 99 problems and I don't need no biznitch... but sex is good. No no no jk, in all honesty they're great girls and it's good to talk to them again. But yeah.


Is it okay to chill with two ex's? As long as it's friends only and stuff?


Never been good in relationships, that's why I have so many ex's lol.

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Why wouldn't it be? So long as they Both aren't looking for anything serious such as a relationship.. If that's case, you're on your own :ambivalence: .

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Haha, why are you asking a clan on the internet?


You're my only friends. It's a big scary world out there.


And mainly, cuz I'm bored.

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You're my only friends. It's a big scary world out there.


And mainly, cuz I'm bored.


It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.



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bag em and tag em.


go to lunch, no harm in that. if you reconnect you reconnect if you dont then fuck and stop talking to her. thats what real guys do.

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I was having problems getting on a level with my gf, and then I came across this video. Well, its self-help so if you don't want to seem like a freak then prolly don't wanna watch but noones ever going to notice :P



^ Just copy and paste.



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Disclaimer: I do not know these women, the below information is probably false:


They are just using you as a booty call. Seems weird using it in the male sense but its true. Go out on a lunch date, be a tremendous troll. Pretend or (genuinely) be interested in what they say. When they inevitably try to strike up a hot evening with Neo proceed to humiliate them by saying you are not interested in sex with them. They cannot hold a stable relationship and are falling back on previous successes to feel like they have some stability.


^none of this is based in fact.

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