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Honestly. I just need a second opinion.


When I was on JB the other day I made a dumb mistake and joked with some of the players about joining Dev. and knew admins didn't like it so I added on "Don't ban me" to show I wasn't serious. Then McNeo came on and told me to tell people about an inside joke of ours so I said "Sure." Well I decided I wanted to bind it and since all my binds are my numbers i quickly ran through 4 numbers to find an empty one. Unfortunately I completely forgot that like 2 months ago I added a bind about Dev saying we were recruiting for when I was in other non-clan based servers. I didn't think anything of it thinking that they would realize that I hadn't meant to say it since it was clear I didn't type it, I had "said" 4 other things in the space of 2 seconds, kind of a clear thing that I was testing binds. So I just went about my business not really thinking anything of it and then as I was being warden I was banned. Permanently. From all CSS servers.


Now if you know me, and maybe you don't, you know I left xG a bit ago and joined up with Dev. But I had none of those so called "hurt feelings" between the 2 clans and continued to play on xG and when asked why I joined just said that I had my reasons. No bad blood. And even before I left I rarely caused trouble intentionally and neither was I banned from the servers before besides when I banned my self and Sunny was being funny and banned me for 5 minutes.


Xeno Gamers My ban logs.


Yes. I know advertising is frowned a upon. Yes. I know I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry. But I truly think a permanent ban for my first mistake is really unnecessary. I think maybe a week might be better.


Here is the chat log:


Xeno Gamers - Search


The first 4 are my binds done within 4 seconds. Down the line a bit you will see "Lol.JOIN DEV. WE TREAT PEOPLE GOOD! *Dont ban me. :(*"


Which is where I was joking with the players and as you can see from no response no one else took it seriously.


I really just want my ban reduced to a week so I can at least hopefully play on the servers again soon.




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Yeah I see where the admins might have been upset, but a perm for one tiny little sentence in my opinion is just too much. I mean especially if it was in a joking manner. In the eyes of the banning admin, she might have deserved to have been punished, but a perm?


Now before people start saying : Advertising results in perms etc.


I just wanna say that in my opinion a first offense shouldn't be so bad.


+1 to her ban being reduced to a week or less

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I'll +1.


Maybe yes she was advertising, but she said she was testing binds. While I do admit she could have done it somewhere else, it was most likely an honest mistake. She did say she was testing binds.


That and nobody took it seriously. She never posted a website. She never posted an IP.

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It's not something to joke around with the situation Dev. has put themselves into with xG.

And yes, it's advertising. Joking or not, it is what it is.

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Because of the short amount of time between your messages it's obvious you were running through some binds.


You made a comment only 20 minute earlier about Dev as well. You claim to have been "joking with a friend". If you go to that time (Jul 5, 2012 12:50:18 am) in chat logs I see some joking, yes, but you are the only person to mention another clan as part of this joking.


Yes, I have talked in game and on the forums a couple times about a clan I used to belong to, but only to share experience and actually to confirm identity to a player who remembered me from years ago. (That clan is still around, but has folded their CS:S division).


Finally, ignorance really is no excuse. If you are pulled over for doing 80mph in a 30mph zone you can't be like "Oh sorry I didn't know" - you're still gonna get a speeding ticket. Frankly, if you don't know what your binds are, why do you even have them?


You know I love playing with you Cookie but I had to act and @Aegean! was involved at the moment as well.


Personally, I +1 you for unban because you're a good player and fun to have in the server. But on the other hand you really shouldn't derp around with something like that.

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I also wanted to point out that I'm not kidding. I think of some of these xG guys as my brothers. This is right after the first advert.


Jul 5, 2012 12:52:35 am xG people are my brothers. Of course I want peace. xD


When Doug and @@Peppermint were arguing.

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If Aegean was involved on the decision of it being permanent then I won't change it. But I believe you should have a week ban.


But honestly, you gotta know how to joke around lol. Especially with a clan like that. That's like going into an airport and yelling bomb. Kinda common sense not to say stuff about it.

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You will be unbanned at the end of the week. I know Dev is low on members but xG is not a place you should do your recruiting cuz you are only asking for trouble.

You won't get unbanned again if this happens again.


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