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Dumbass CTTs

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I'm getting tired of new people getting on the server heading straight for the CT team and fucking freekilling the shit out of the prisoners because they don't know the rules.


There should be a plugin that says you must be on the server atleast a week before going on CTs so they get to know the rules better.



EDIT: Make the time maybe 4 hours, a week is too long.

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ok so i know where your coming from, it really sucks having people who dont know motd just go into ct and wreck havoc and piss people off, but there honestly isnt too many resolutions to that.

having to play for a week is too long. some people generally only play as ct in jb. but there really doesnt seem to be a way to stop it from happening.

maybe mods or admins could ct ban a player who they suspect has no earthly clue what the motd is for 30 minutes so they can sit there and just read up or just fucking play t and learn it. i will skim around the motd every now and than if i dont know what the motd says on a certain subject, like playable games for competing for lr.

i have never sat there and read the whole damn thing yet i know it better than some people who play ct all the damn time.


im just not gonna vote or +1 anything till someone proposes a better idea. because frankly, i dont see any way of keeping them off ct till they know what to do.

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I think it should be like 4 hours of playtime and then a prompt requiring you to at least scroll to the bottom of the motd the first time you try to join CT. (you know the way you guys just scroll past terms of service, lol)

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-1 i love freekillers


I agree. In extension to your idea, i think we should perm ban and irl slay everybody who joins our server for the first time from now on. That way no new players can ever join our servers to be tempted to be ct and wreck havoc on an innocent t's life.

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I agree. In extension to your idea, i think we should perm ban and irl slay everybody who joins our server for the first time from now on. That way no new players can ever join our servers to be tempted to be ct and wreck havoc on an innocent t's life.

LOL better idea tahn mine :D

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I'm getting tired of new people getting on the server heading straight for the CT team and fucking freekilling the shit out of the prisoners because they don't know the rules.



This is a huge inevitability due to the fact that xG has a considerably popular JB server. And has been for a while :P


Also a week is a little too long, I think. People aren't going to want to wait out a week after first joining the server to be able to be a CT. A few hours of in game time on the server sounds a little better.


Also, if people don't care about the MOTD, they won't read it. So if theres a CT that doesn't know the rules and is still playing CT then unless you slay their ass for breaking the rules/banning them, they probably won't get the message through their heads.

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