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CT ban on JailBait server.

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If you just started playing JB use this opportunity to play as T for a while and get better acquainted with the rules.

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You protest has only been up for 50 minutes lol give it time.


You were CT-banned by @@PapiChulo , wait and see what he has to say. He's one of the division leaders so he knows what he's doing.

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Honestly yes it most like means you will be stuck at T till the 24th because Papi is a div leader and had a good reason for the ct ban.

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Sorry man you sprayed at a group of Ts and free killed like 3-4 people, free shot many more. You're extremely lucky I didn't perm CTban you but I never saw you in before so I thought you were new and deserved a chance.


You're gonna have to wait out your ban though. Take this time to freshen up on our rules and our motd. This'll probably be better for you in the future anyways so you understand our rules more.


~closed due to illogical thought processes

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