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McNeo's Ban Protest

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For server unban


For fourm unban




For Member (Give him time)




For Powers



He deserves a second chance, his contributions to this clan are greater than

most people that will vouch on this thread.

He'll get shit for what he did, but give him a second chance.

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you might want to follow by that before you preach it


Im 19, I work 12 hours a day and i come home and i help people being a Div leader. I have no IDEA who the hell you are and yet your a xG member you've been here only since Jun so before you comment make sure you know the person.

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You were seriously such a huge help to the community. And I was really sad the day you left, and even more upset the day when you did all that shit :/


And you were a good friend too.



But man, you went and you mass freekilled then left, then you made a ban protest in which you told linked everybody's I.P. address with a public warning that you will ddos.


And even after we banned you, you didn't stop. You created more accounts just to say something along the lines of, "you can't stop me". This is a community that I have spent a fuck ton of time dedicated to it and for someone to ddos threat after themself dedicating so much time to it as well is just.. :/


I know, at least back then. That you would have done the same thing that I'm about to do. I'm sorry my friend :/ -1

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Even though I may not be a xG member anymore I'll throw my two cents in


If the real reason for this was due to "personal RL problems" Shouldn't you step away from the computer in case you do some stupid bullshit like this?


Also threating to DDOS is a huge thing and nothing to be joked about, that alone should be permaban right there.

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The beautiful trees blow that way.

I'm speechless,don't know what to say.

The love for xG is my who heart.

Nothing will break it apart.



OT: i think he should get another chance, since yolo. jk, but yeah, 1 more chance:3

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even though i may not be a xg member anymore i'll throw my two cents in


if the real reason for this was due to "personal rl problems" shouldn't you step away from the computer in case you do some stupid bullshit like this?


Also threating to ddos is a huge thing and nothing to be joked about, that alone should be permaban right there.

woah woah woah back the fuck up.


When did you leave xg? D:

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I don't really know whats going on; all I remember was that oh-so-stoic thread where he requested a ban on himself for mass freekilling.


Then him getting mad because people were making jokes about his alcoholism?


I don't really know where to draw the line here since honestly, I liked McNeo to a certain degree and was kindof impressed by how much time he was dedicating to the clan. Usually that sort of dedication is indicative of some sort of borderline personality disorder but I was able to ignore it since he made my job easier.


But the decision to let him back in the clan or to unban him or whatever we are planning on doing is unequivocally a -1.


As an organization, if we let McNeo back in we are basically saying "Alright this dude threatened us with e-violence, but he was going through a bad time so its our job to welcome him back in. Its our fault for making him angry by joking about his drinking problem and we shouldn't hold his violence against us."


That's the same thing that battered housewives say to justify their husbands beating them.


In this case, it's nothing personal; you go through a hard-time and you fuck up, that sort of shit happens. But you have to live with the consequences.


To threaten us with a DDOS is against the law. To release our IP addresses and personal information is majorly fucked up. Threats like this are not something that can be swept under the rug; its dangerous to have someone who does this sort of shit in the clan and it would be a serious blackmark against our integrity for people to know that we let someone who shit on us, threatened us with violence, and then made an excuse about his actions to rejoin us with open arms.


Just my two cents.

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It's....concerning to know that someone who was so prominent in the community managed to take such a wrong turn that lead to a lot of negative attention. For that reason, I'm against the idea that his past deeds should help his case, though they shouldnt be brushed off as if he did nothing to help, as that's far from the truth. As much as I would like to see him back in the community, it's one of those situations where the damage is done and the consequences need to remain as they are. As Smoker said, xG's integrity is on the line.

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Mass freekilled in Jailbreak


Oh no. Let's all complain that one set of textures killed my set of textures.


threat to DDoS

threatened to DDoS people

threatened to DDoS

threatened to ddos


Oh no. My internet is down for 5 minutes. My porn can't stream anymore.


giving out all our ip's

giving out a list of ALL our IPs


IPs aren't the end-all-be-all of the world. You are aware that TS3 lists your IP right?




Now I know McNeo is a dumbass and I am pretty sure you are all aware of that. But all the things he did can be forgiven. Mass freekilling is just people clicking a mouse at a bunch of textures on a screen. Should we all get so butt hurt about it? And the DDoS threats are just McNeo being McNeo... a complete and utter dumbass. And I am pretty fucking sure he doesn't want to get his ass raped in prison again so he isn't going to harm anyone. So stop being so butt hurt and get over it.




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+1 Ok,Ok,i know i changed my mind a few times,but look,how many Other ppl did we give a chance,netex,oscar,and alot of others, but he hasnt used that "get out of jail freecard" yet. In my HONEST opinion, Remove ALL powers and access to the coding which got him here in the first place,POSSIBLY ct ban for the other incident,and remove Membership for awhile,and try to keep a DAMN close eye on him. Holy fuck im doing this on a PS3 in my room and my hand hurts like HELL.

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Also threating to DDOS is a huge thing and nothing to be joked about, that alone should be permaban right there.


well tbh "hacking" is ment to be a permban but it never goes thru lol, e.g. duckiijr

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well tbh "hacking" is ment to be a permban but it never goes thru l


I said it once, and I'll say it again. There is no such thing as a permaban on xG


Massfreekilled on the serve? Just say it was your brother


Threatened to DDOS everyone? Just say you were drunk


Giant asshole to everyone? Say you have life issues


And you'll be unbanned in no time




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Before you +1 or -1 think about what he's been banned for.

  • Mass freekilling in jailbreak then leaving.
  • Releasing all of our personal which yes, if you want to be a nosey admin like brian said, he can check your information on the forums and in ts3. But as an admin that's not his job.
  • Threatening to DDoS anyone that has done him "wrong."


Though, he has done such much more right over wrong. But it doesn't matter, what he did wrong definitely earned him a perm banned. He did donate a crazy amount of money, and was one of the best admins ingame. He also helped people with issues dealing with ingame textures/models which was a huge problem. He took the time out to help slipery I believe by uploaded all of the jb maps to his ftp. He created a meme generator for xG. He created a tool in vb for xG which I never checked yet. He ran the facebook and actually got people to like it. He ran several subclans including xT/CTF subclans.


>inb4 bad grammar.

Just food for thought before you call him a "fucking faggot" and -1 him. You can't act like he didn't do anything for the clan. And when he threatened, he didn't actually do anything. He might of actually had some real life issues but if he went through with the threat that's a whole other story. Honestly, not doing second thoughts on my first answer but he should be unbanned ingame on forums without being able to join xG without doing the omelet challenge.



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