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Warriorsfury - Application

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Warriorsfury's Member Application


Well, this is my second application for the xG clan and I hope I get in but here goes...

I mainly play on the jailbreak server and know most of the active players around, I am quite active and know the motd quite well and ALWAYS slay myself if there is a reason to. When I free kill someone witch I rarely do (MAYBE 1 time a day sadly) I slay myself that round and ask if they want me to slay myself the next round. I have taken pictures of every trail and made a thread and it has been made a sticky. I don't really know what els to say. >_> And please do not -1 because of my voice think past that and then tell me what you think.


P.S, If you choose to -1 help me out and tell me what I need to work on so I can build off of my mistakes.



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