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I'm getting bored...

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I am bored of every day waking up and doing the same old shit...


wake up

play some JB working as a mod being a douchebag to the faggots on my friends list. no longer capable of freeslaying all the fags.


drink something

watch a bit of tv

mod more

play other servers like surf

mod more



well... now with school coming up, I have a stupid fucking schedule (Honestly fuck college.) and I will no longer be able to mod during my normal modding hours (late nights usually is where i mod the most) [only a few of us on] and currently i only can play tuesday/thursday/friday unless i get a job in which case i cant play much if at all. ([ATTACH]3428.vB[/ATTACH]) and basically if I get in JB and then have to leave I understand that it is not my fault because school but if there are no other mods/admins on (99% of the fucking time because THEY ARE ALL SCRIMMING AND NOT ADMINING LIKE THEY WERE PROMOTED TO DO.) [raged a bit] and well, i need a new game to play that is quick and easy. and i want it to be like an MMO so i figured of all the MMOs i have played my favorite has to have been:

Ragnarok Online

and I figured hey i kinda wanna get back in to that, because it is a fun time waster, and if I am farming for a card or something and I have to stop, I can just kill the current mob, and exit out and come back to farming later. so here is the question I pose to you all.


1: do any of you know a good RO server (RO not RO2) that you ACTUALLY ACTIVELY PLAY ON




2: could we maybe host a server for RO? @@silence i can help you out with it and GM it because I enjoy RO and am knowledgeable about it, AND it can actually bring in donations. some servers i have played on, have a real money market where players donate on their site, and it gives them an in game custom item called Credits, inside of their credit bank, and can then be used in a credit shop to purchase various items that are worn in different equip slots and give some minor buffs (there are items for different types of classes, and all around ones) the items are things like wings hats clothing etc. and also the in game money could be used for other things like creating an automatic event etc. [this is only one of the many ways i have seen a real money system in RO, others include completely automated through site, where it deposits the items they purchase through the shop on internet into their kafra storage.]


Just a quick thought towards silence for the second one, but if we cant get a server up, and anyone plays and has a good server to play on, go ahead and link me i guess.. :) and i will come play with you. I am an experienced player, and am also good if you are maybe not so experienced i can help build you, give you tips etc. if you want, i will join your guild or after i get up there with my champion, i will power level you, your guild, and help you in WoE.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you are suggesting a server keep it low rate because that is where its at. i honestly hate anything higher than low rate (10/10/10 and lower on settings) because they are too fucking easy. anything higher than that (if it is 11-30 i can get 99 in about 2 days. higher settings give me a few hours and i will hit max level. and i will get bored.) i want a real challenge with getting my shit, getting my gear, doing all my quests, and making my classes.


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If we could host a private RO server with decent rates, I'd sure as shit play. I might even know a few guys in real life who would play (if they're not too busy with school :c) and help us populate.

I've always used RateMyServer.Net :: RO Database & Server Reviews as a resource for RO. I found it really helpful for fixing my client and whatnot, and they'll even list your server, which with a couple thousand member spamming the upvote every day, would get it populated real quick and easy.

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RateMyServer.Net :: RO Database & Server Reviews[/url] as a resource for RO. I found it really helpful for fixing my client and whatnot, and they'll even list your server, which with a couple thousand member spamming the upvote every day, would get it populated real quick and easy.



Exactly thats why i want silence to let me start an Ragnarok server, not Red Orchestra........ :|

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I always thought you where kinda jewish and faggotty and shit, but now that i see you're into RO, i accept you.

nah but, srsly ro is the shizztnzlizzle. I have just played for way too many years now, gets bored so i'm no longer playing.

Last server i tried, Intense RO, check it out, tho it's mid but idk if they have low.


And setting up a RO server would be a waste of time, an MMO consumes way too much time to host,administrate or w/e, You'll pretty much need a new site, and a lot of other shit. Not practical, and filling it is way too hard and time consuming as well.


oh yeah, and RO2 sucks dick and never made it out of korea.

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oh yeah, and RO2 sucks dick and never made it out of korea.


i played a bit of RO2, it made it out of korea and there are a few servers. but they are really buggy and it is shit compared to the original. yeah setting up the server would take up some time, and it would take a bit to administrate, but i feel if we do set it up, with our community size i could get it populated, and we could get it up there on RMS and top100 etc. and get some players in there. :)

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i played a bit of RO2, it made it out of korea and there are a few servers. but they are really buggy and it is shit compared to the original. yeah setting up the server would take up some time, and it would take a bit to administrate, but i feel if we do set it up, with our community size i could get it populated, and we could get it up there on RMS and top100 etc. and get some players in there. :)


It's way too much work.

The only i see anything similir to what you want is if someone in here knew how to build up the server 100% and would work under the sponsorship of xG and xG could provide the web site and some population or w/e.

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It's way too much work.

The only i see anything similir to what you want is if someone in here knew how to build up the server 100% and would work under the sponsorship of xG and xG could provide the web site and some population or w/e.


you keep saying that, but i am telling you if given the space and access i can do it, and get it started, and we will all populate it, and we can upvote it to the top of all the boards and gain members/donations from it. the only issue i have is mySQL and I am willing to teach myself it, but I will need some help with it at first

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I made a club penguin account but got banned in like 30 secs for saying "fuck you nigga".

Also, play runescape. We need a runescape division. @@G1McKenzie

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I made a club penguin account but got banned in like 30 secs for saying "fuck you nigga".

I did the same exact thing. except that i thought of as many cuss words as i could and said it in one of the populated areas.

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Of all the MMO's I have played, Ragnarok Online has to be the game I loved playing the most. If we get a private server, it should be called XenoRO :P


Also Chrono: If you can find a good private server, hit me up and I will play it with you!

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