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Ganja has had like 10 abuse threads. That many people saying he's abusing has to be fishy.


This is like Michael Jackson going to trial for pedofile related charges and he never gets proven guilty. Evryone knows he's guilty though lol

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"I don't even consider it racism" Well technically ganja was in the right... The man was saying "Nigger" WHICH IS RACIST and if Ganja if offended by it and he wants to kick or ban its in the server rules... this thread is invalid lol..




11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severally. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.


Read it Shadow... you should know this...


As for the Button spam it is a offense, and you even posted proof of Deadly admitting it,

7:31 PM - || pCp || |Deadlyl Julius Caesar: i was just spamming button when ninja was on it i think

7:31 PM - [xG:M] ShadowSpy: Ok then

7:31 PM - || pCp || |Deadlyl Julius Caesar: making him come back instead of going on the flying things

7:31 PM - [xG:M] ShadowSpy: k


Lol, look into the server rules before making a abuse thread and the jailbreak rules...

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Deadly should not be used in this WHAT SO EVER. He should be PERMED from ct. On a busy day I cought him FIVE times gun spamming guns OUT of the armory right infront of t's. He freekills alot too. I know I don't have proof but he is NOT a valid reason or should NOT be. And I am pretty sure that racism is not allowed what so ever.

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Deadly should not be used in this WHAT SO EVER. He should be PERMED from ct. On a busy day I cought him FIVE times gun spamming guns OUT of the armory right infront of t's. He freekills alot too. I know I don't have proof but he is NOT a valid reason or should NOT be. And I am pretty sure that racism is not allowed what so ever.


i have to agree using the guy you did isnt a valid pioint he breaks small rules often and does say "nigger" and gets warned. It's allowed as long as some1 isnt like "you're a nigger" but like "sup my niggas" and such if it isnt directed to any1 in an offensive way its fine unless they are just saying it to say it =/



But i wasnt there and the evidence is lacking on both sides here so +0, +1 you are both idiots tho.

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Wow no you havent. Cause Im usually on the server all the time and I have not caught him Say the n word multiple times. So dont say anything just cause your on xg.

This is for WarriorFury by the way.

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And for a fact Ganja has had Attitude Problems in the Past and all he got was warning's and more warning's. I know im not xg but Still I have a say cause I play on your servers frequently and when I try to apply to xg its always Ganja and his friends cause they think that I am a freakin retard when I obey MOTD about 99% of the time. So Higher Ups need to check his warning's and Attitude problems hes had in the past. I know im not in xg but I have been banned cause of Ganja Anger Problems. Im not trying to diss on him but the first time when I applied Ganja and his friends -1 me cause they thought I trolled everybody and Dissed admins But I did not. So when I reapply again I would like to approve that ganja and his friends not post on my app in the future cause all of them -1 me for no reason. And I have had a witness being told by Turdwig that we dont want faggets like me in the clan. I will only release the name to the Co-Owner because they are the only trusted ones I believe are not assholes.

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from what ive read in the thread, seen in other threads, and heard from others and urself, u have attitude problems that u have to deal with. when u deal with it is ur problem, until u can prove urself worthy to be considered a CSS admin, ur demoted to moderator as a result


-sealed away in the last great time war

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