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Shadow's Ct Ban Protest

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You know, for a guy who's emoticon says friendly, you're not very friendly.

I am only friendly till you annoy me or act like a total dumbass like you ^^ , guess the dumbass remark fits you well eh ?

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Shadow's Perma Ct Ban Protest (--- THERE PAPA[/url]



doesnt matter the time you did it twice....

WEll guess what, I was told by billymays to make a ct ban protest so duke please stop remarking the shit, its annoying and its the past, people change, now stop flaming me.

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I am only friendly till you annoy me or act like a total dumbass like you ^^ , guess the dumbass remark fits you well eh ?


Well no, given the circumstances, I'd say that given your inability to spell or maintain any sort of composure when faced with confrontation despite trying to appeal for an unban, you sir are the 'dumbass'.


-1'd lack's any sort of stability.


ps ^ that's what neTex said.

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Well no, given the circumstances, I'd say that given your inability to spell or maintain any sort of composure when faced with confrontation despite trying to appeal for an unban, you sir are the 'dumbass'.


-1'd lack's any sort of stability.


ps ^ that's what neTex said.

you may only -1 once and also stop posting here yet again, your just an ignorant troll so fuck off, and also I have a chance of getting unbanned, its billy's choice.

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Shadow, you've been fucking banned for this before, you've been banned for throwing nades into a stack of Ts before, you know DAMN WELL not to do it. Do not un-ct ban him, it's entirely his fault and he's been given enough chances. Your thought process is so illogical shadow and I don't know how you think that you're going to get unbanned.


EDIT: If you couldn't tell, -1.

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WEll guess what, I was told by billymays to make a ct ban protest so duke please stop remarking the shit, its annoying and its the past, people change, now stop flaming me.



You've got to be fucking kidding me. Billy told you to make a ban protest because people of tired of hearing you cry to them in teamspeak about everyhting it is so fucking annoying. just because someone said to make a ban protest doesn't mean you will be unbanned, nor does it mean that you have changed. "its the past, people change" if people change, then why did you do the SAME FUCKING THING? My Logic - 3 Shadow - 0




Past matters very much, if you were banned for something and then are banned for doing it again it actually matters i don't know what kind of fucking pot head world you live in thinking that past bans don't matter.


How is duke flaming? he put a link to your other ban that you had stating that you had done it prior. honestly you have to be FUCKING STUPID to think that is flaming.


My Logic - 5

Shadow - negative (too many negative points)


also you claim that people are flaming. but when there is no disrespect or anything in a post, you say shit like "Stop fucking flaming me you fucking asshole that was all the past you fucking faggot" (not dramatized pretty much exact words.)


My Logic - 6

Shadow - Still fucking negative


Also your grammar is plain shit. learn to use the correct words.


i don't know why you make ban protests when you fuck up so bad expecting to get a million freebies. (inb4 @Pyro says everyone deserves a second chance or eats some popcorn.)

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I'm not a member, so I don't have a say in whether this young man should be unbanned but I will show this screenshot:



What a nice guy!


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Justin sie sind wirklich nicht smart sind sie? Sie agieren wie ein fucking Idiot.

I'm going to bed, I am about to smash your head in if I continue to talk to you...

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this is still open Shadow is a troll change the ban to perma and be done with it now please -1 (for unban)

DO NOT UNBANN THE TROLL no one wants him

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Considering your poor attitude in this thread and the fact that you were ct banned for this exact same reason in the past, you shouldn't be unbanned from CT. I've got admin experience in Hellsgamers jailbreak and although the motd may be slightly different, I can safely say that HG tends to hand out very stiff penalties for repeat offenses such as 35 month CT bans for massing or being a dumbass guard.

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Okay, I am going to apologize from my rage rampage on everyone and I am sorry, I just get overheated over stupid statements and I realized I need to cool it, I will for now on try to refrain myself from posting negative comments. I also want to tell you that , Yes I have learned my lesson about how not to mass free kill lol, I wasn't thinking at the time and I will not repeat the past.

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Yes I have learned my lesson about how not to mass free kill lol, I wasn't thinking at the time and I will not repeat the past.


thats what you said last time too...

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