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Skyfrost admin abuse

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I always play legit on xG especially on the TTT which I recently started playing. I had been playing and I had noticed that a guy was just recently locked into a traitor trap room and a guy walking out of the traitor room but he didn't notice me so i said KOS TOM because he was heading to the surface so he starts saying its a random KOS and to kos me. So later I find him and he shoots me with a shotgun so I fire back we run around and he says kill Furhappens so a guy with a glock gets me and he escapes but later dies by a car. Next round Skyfrost ignites me for no reason at all and says "this is for rdming last round" I find it abit funny that its considered rdm when He shoots first so I add him on steam and he ignores me, luckily easy comes on and I ask him to get skyfrosts attention so soon after that he dies and I ask him why he ignited me he said on mic it was rdm which it wasn't and then he said "here let me type it out" so he types out a statement which I have a picture of it and it said that this wasn't the first time I was rdm / breaking the rules and he didn't take action and the next time was a weeks ban which I haven't done. So I kept asking what was the first time "I broke the rules" and he wouldn't answer me and kept ignoring me even after easy kindly asked him to answer my question and he said "I already answered his question" which he didn't so he mutes me so I cant speak. So I find this idiotic and I hope something is done because I would hate to see xG with someone that doesn't even want to take the time to explain something and simply try to get rid of the problem by muting them. The proof is in the chat log.

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Did you seen him leave the T room with your own eyes? cause if not its a random KOS you have no proof he wasnt just hiding near the enterence Proof is really lacking just shows chat when he may have told you via mic....

and i seems to be a small snip-it choice of the console.

@@Skyfrost @@Charrax @@Aeon

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I will talk to sky and see what's up with this.. I understand abuse and all but in my head it just seems silly to call every admin/mod out for something they did wrong or didn't do all the time. Of course if it's constant and really annoying I get that much. But a little slay and a mute isn't much to complain about. I miss hear and take a lot of stuff the wrong way sometimes when I'm administrating the server, it's common to slay or mute the wrong person and or think they are someone else. Not saying that's what happened but you know, whatever. Anyways, I'll see what I can do.

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@@FurHappens a snip-it as in you are typing but skyforst is talking over mic and i cannot base a +1 or even -1 on this evidence you should have started recording instead of taking screen shots so we can hear what he says over mic because your evidence is only of the console and i know for a fact skyfrost uses his mic as do i when talking to people who were punished.

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By easy, he means me.


I was in there. I didn't see whether or not fur saw tom walk out because me & reflex we're pickin daisy's. But, I later saw in chat fur saying "EAST" "EASY" "easy" I said "wat" he said "can you get skyfrosts attention please?" & then I did. I asked skyfrost to answer whatever fur wanted, he did do so over mic, but I guess fur didn't hear or something, so then he typed it out.


I do not know however why Fur was muted, but probably something happened when I wasn't paying attention. But anyways, I don't really have a fair vote in this because I didn't see whether or not it was a random KOS or not.

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