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WarZ Server Opinions

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These are straight quotes from the WarZ website. When it says “we” it means WarZ, not xG lol.


Who's hosting the game servers?


We're handling hosting and management of all game servers. We're not relying on players to buy and install and host game servers in order to connect to and enjoy the game.


Will I be able to host or rent my own private server?


Yes, not only that - you'll be able to rent a game server from inside the user interface without leaving the game. You will be able to choose server settings, configure things like public or private, password protection, allocate certain number of slots for your friends and clan members, etc.


What is limit of players per server?


When renting a server you'll be able to choose between a predefined number of player slots. The lowest amount of players per server is 70 and the maximum is 250.


What's about lag?


We feel really confident about the issue of lag since War Inc. Battle Zone uses the same engine and is able to host a very fast-paced, precise action shooting game, with up to 64 players per map and only three datacenter locations - East Coast USA, Netherlands and Russia. That and the fact that players from Australia have been dominating the leaderboards. We've also improved the network code to produce even better results.


So my questions to you guys are, what should the name of the server be, how many slots should be reserved for xG members, should there be a password, should it be public or private, how many people should we have max on the server, how should people apply for mod for Warz, should people have to apply for mod for WarZ, should there be a second div for it, and if so, who should it be?


I just want to know what you think would work best.

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Start it at 70 and then get more slots if it's populated


no reserve slots for normal players just mods+ on warz


Obviously public


do a +5 vote system untill theres more then enough to have 10


and 2nd div should totes be me :p

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Im pretty sure that what I paid for allows any number of players from the listed amount that I posted above. So maybe something closer to the max would be better but not the max so that there isnt any possible lag @@Duke

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Start with 200, then if it gets 200 peopleonatonce and no lag up it, if it lags reduce @@Duplolas


Also make sure thats what the community wants first, poll those who will actually be playing and see.

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I guess just post here if you plan on buying the game :) Ill be doing a closed guest beta key raffle in a week or two to get some hype up. Also Monday night I will be trying to do a stream of the game if anyone would want to watch :D

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So I did a bit of digging through the WarZ forums and found alot of interesting information. So basically, the server we will have is called a "StrongHold". A StrongHold is a server that holds 15-45 players (we have the 15 player one) The server serves as a clan base basically. Think of it as one of those old timey towns where you see tumbleweeds blowing past. You then use this town to keep items, sell items to other players, and look around for starter loot and materials to build your town with (axes, crossbows, food, water, building materials) Now what I mean by build your town is almost quite literally BUILDING your town. There will have map buildings that come with all the server, but you will need to build onto those buildings by adding locks to doors, adding rooms to it for armories, and setting up a trade area. You can set the town to have pvp if you wish, but I think having it pvp protected would be best. This is because the map also consists of a outskirts area, an area where zombies spawn. This area also has its own settings for pvp and the developer even added that you can agro zombies into the spawn even if its pvp protected (though i bet we will add a rule that if you do that you will be banned lol).


All the other servers that have a max of 250 players will always be owned by the game creators. StrongHold servers will be the only server that you can have for your own and luckily it will be extremely cheap. About 5 bucks a month per 15 players which is all we really need, and I already have the first 6 months paid for.


Now we will still need mods for this server, not that many considering its a 15 player cap. And I think in the begining until we get all the homes fixed up so that we can store items there, it wont be open to public. We wont be getting this server until after October 31st so we can go kinda slow on whos going to be doing what.


Also, ingame you will be able to join a actual clan. This makes it so others who are in your clan are more easily spotted out from other survivors. As far as I know, this will be free. We will be able to register xenogamers as our clan a couple days before October 31st so that those who paid for alpha get first picks.


Also! THERE WILL BE VEHICLES!!! YEAAAA. Though they wont be added until after October :( Also no vehicles are ever going to be in a StrongHold server :((((((


Just like to tag a couple of people: @@Duke @@silence


Also, if you are planning on joining the clan in-game or have bought the game, please post below. You can edit the post once you create your character in-game.

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Wait... we have a single servers that only xG can join or is it still public any1 can join but it's our town? o.o but it seems pretty cool except for the no vehicles parts thats just shit :c

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Ya. So basically in the beginning @@Duke. The server will be password protected. Only xG members and possibly trusted non-members. A place to store all goods would be created first. Then we would add another to separate out weapons from health items. Then after we are all situated in our town, we can create a trade store to sell the items we have too much of. Also, depending on how the currency system works we might need a bank. Then after all that is done, it can be opened to the public so we can start making sum money!


Now the point of having moderators/admins for this server would be so that no one is trying glitch or hack to steal our items. Also depending on how the market would work, we would need restrictions like those for our TF2 trade server. Players would not be able to offer lowball offers so that newer players wouldnt get duped out of good items. It seriously is like having a old western town! We got the Sheriff (the divs) and the deputies (the mods/admins). It all sounds so much better than owning a actual 200 players server and its cheaper too!

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