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Brock's Mod Submission

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Hello everyone, my name is Brock/Brock Obama, and I am applying for mod. I have been a member of the clan for about 7 months and have been playing on xG servers since August 2011. When I play CSS, nearly all I play on is xG servers. On the jailbreak server alone, I have about 20 days of game time. I want to become mod because I love xG. I am extremely active on the servers and I want to help the community as much as I can. xG is like my second family.

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meh, he's had a long time to improve upon himself and he's a lot different than what he used to be. Although he has been inactive for a while, as long as he can keep his activity up I think he deserves to have moderator. He knows the rules well and if it's saying anything, I'm not one to +1 every mod application I see.

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+1 chill dude.

played with him quite a bit, when i'm on jailbreak and he's online he follows MOTD and acts mature, except when someone sends him a screamer :P donate sometime :)

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-1 he has disrespected me millions of times and wants to troll so -1 until attitude changes. And I do agree with warrior he comes back out of know where and applies. That aint going to happen.

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Just for the record, please don't judge him on how he was before. He really has changed :P

I haven't really seen him troll at all since he's come back, just goof around a bit :3

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I was playin with him on JB a couple of times...hes pretty cool,nice,mature, idk about active bc i dont see him much but other ppl say he has so imma say active...+1



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On my activity, school began in early August, I haven't been able to play at all because of the fact that I get addicted to any types of games. I had to uninstall CSS in order to not get addicted. I also had problems irl. I have learned how to manage my time and have solved those problems, so I should be back to normal activity.

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Mature and knows motd very well.

Calm down when you are sent a screamer (to the best of your ability). Oh and try to donate soon.

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