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Reiki last won the day on June 9 2019

Reiki had the most liked content!


About Reiki

  • Rank
    Clues' Searcher

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  1. It seems that my account was blocked by accident because a friend of mine reported it as a "scammer" so right know my account do not exits it seems like Also, be careful with trying to get help from "Steam support" using Discord, turns out they are pretty much scammers, they wanted me to create an account on a website to buy bitcoins, luckily for me, I block everything related to my card just in case So yeah, if you see anything suspicious with my account, that is not me right now, I will try to recover as soon as possible
  2. Reiki

    Something new

    Thanks a lot~ Next time, I will make sure to use the one with better quality!
  3. I totally forgot how to use this website, just make a mess with my last post of my latest drawing, daggit 

  4. Reiki

    Something new

    This ones was my special for Halloween 2020, it is completely different to my old style Yeah, I'm back drawing stuff again on SAI 2, getting the hand with my new tablet Also, I'm starting to try new ideas and topics, no only Pokemon with a generic shot What do you guys think? Oh my god, I used the one with the worst resolution Oh no, I used the one with the worst resolution ever My bad guys
  5. It's been a while since the last time I check this account, huh.

  6. Haven't check this account in a while.

  7. It was just a small drawing that I made with the same artstyle of my friend, but I really don't like the way it looks BTW, Drach is my "artist" name, I no longer using Reiki or Reikirishi for my new drawings Made by me
  8. Reiki

    Back to work

    Well, this is the best I can do, still working on him What do you guys think?
  9. It is worth to get an Professional Killstreak for the Backburner?
    I mean, I play all the time with the Phlogistinator and I'm trying to set a loadout with my Festive Strange Backburner
    So just for curiosity, do you guys think it is worth it?



    ((I know that it is not an strange backburner in this screenshot))


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Semper


      let me just buy you one reiki smh

    3. Red


      sell everything and invest in fortnite skins 

    4. Reiki


      Semper, you don't have to 

  10. Reiki

    Can you help me out?

    I will do my best!
  11. Reiki

    Can you help me out?

    That is actually not a bad point, I will try to give a few changes to the light effect. Thanks dude Those red lines were just me trying to come with an idea for the background. I'm actually planning to draw like a laboratory on the back, but at the moment those lines does not represent nothing I mean, in the past I used to draw the aura sphere like in the Anime, with a few lighting effects. Now, I was trying to recreate what I did in my last drawing of "Reiki", the same effect that I used of the chains, but i'm struggling to get it the same result In that case, I will be doing a new one with a more simpler effects this time You don't need to worry, your opinions are important to me Thanks you guys
  12. So, I started working on a new drawing a few days ago and this is what I have at the moment It's been a long time since I tried to draw something related with energy attacks like the Aura sphere of Lucario and I'm not completely sure if I'm doing it in a proper way. Can you guys give me your opinion about this? Note: I know that I have to add more lighting effects Thanks
  13. I have no clue, where else to ask this.
    But about your Lucario model.

    Did you go to college for this, or how else did you learn it? ? Any resources, you are willing to share?
    And what programs do you recommend for texturing? Or are you using blender for that? And if so, can it generate normal maps, light maps etc? How's your workflow looking there?
    I'm just asking, because I'm especially blown away by the love for detail on the Gallantmon armor!! Absolutely amazing work on the shading!
    But you didn't make the model for Lucario specifically, am I right? ?

    Sorry, if I'm overwhelming you with questions. I'm just really a fan of your work! If you haven't already, you should totally consider working in the game industry! ?

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Tatost


      I believe Reiki mentioned that they were using Blender, but I know nothing of the topic so I can't really say much else for what they're doing.

    2. Chaonic


      @Tatost As in blender for texturing? Because if so, that's impressive.

    3. Reiki



      1.-All I know on Blender was thanks for my friend that has experiences with it, but also by looking at different tutorials and practice by myself.

      2.-Majority of my models come from this website ( https://www.models-resource.com ) 

      3.-For texturing, you can actually create basic textures for models on Blender, but also use other programs like Paint Tool SAI.
      On my case, I use both of them all the time.

      4.-You can create whatever you want with Blender, maps, lights, water, clothes, etc. ((I will try to show you some screenshots of my works 

      5.-You need a lot of time and patience to get a good finish when doing the Render

      6.-No, that model is from Pokemon X/Y of 3Ds, I also have other models of different Pokemons, but I'm still trying to fix them.

      7.-I had a model of Gallantmon that I used as a reference to create that armor for Lucario 


      Thanks, it feels nice to know that someone love my work, hehe.


  14. Take care man and I wish you the best of luck