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    xG Trading Server Guide

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    Welcome to the Xeno Gamers Trading Servers!

    This guide contains information about our current maps in rotation, commands that you can use, and information about some of our donator perks.
    If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask!

    Don’t forget to check out the MOTD for our server rules.
    General Server and Community Guidelines
    Pokémon Trade Center Rules
    Trade Gaming History (TGH) Rules


    Maps in Rotation

    Pokemon Trade Center


    Trade Gaming History


    Rock the Vote

    Rock the Vote is a plugin that allows you to vote for a map change, Once the required number of Rock the Votes have been done... a list with the other maps appears, you can choose the map you would like to have run next, however it is a vote, so of course the map with the most votes will be chosen. To use this command, type !rtv or rtv.

    The !rtv command doesn't work for the first 1/3 of the map's running time.


    Call Admin

    Someone breaking the rules? Use !calladmin and select the player's name you are reporting and the reason why you are reporting them.

    Abusing the command (ie. false reporting) will result in a minimum of a day ban.


    Roll the Dice

    Roll the Dice is a plugin that when a player types !rtd "or rtd", it puts an effect on the roller for 20 seconds. The effects are either good or bad and in some cases could be both.



    Good Effects:

        godmode - Invulnerability to bullets, falling, and map traps.
        toxic - Your horrible breath kills anyone near you.
        lucky sandvich - An instant health boost and the next shot will be a crit. Good luck!
        faster speed - You get a temporary speed boost.
        noclip - You are able to fly through walls, attack from the sky, mess with the other team for the duration of the roll.
        low gravity - Your gravity is lowered and you can jump higher to reach spots to attack from.
        unlimited uber - You are set into uber mode for the duration of the roll.
        invisibility - You are completely invisible for the duration of the roll.
        cloak - Your spy watch won't run out for the duration of this effect.
        crits - Every attack you draw is a crit for the duration of the roll.
        infinite ammo - Your ammo supply is infinite for the duration of the roll.
        scary bullets - Any players you hurt become scared like tiny babies.
        instant sentry - Point at a spot and call for a medic to spawn a sentry. Sentry goes away after the effect has ended.
        homing projectiles - Rockets/arrows/flares will fly at enemies to save the bother the aiming.
        instant charge - Your sniper rifle and bow charge up instantly.
        dispenser pop-up - Point at a spot and call for a medic to spawn a level 3 dispenser. Stays after the effect has ended.

    Bad Effects:

        explode - You are immediately exploded where you stand.
        snail - Your move speed is slowed. Might win in a race against a cozy camper sniper.
        frozen - All movement is frozen and you become an ice sculpture.
        timebomb - You have 10 seconds to live. Run towards the other team to deal damage when you die.
        spontaneous combustion - You are ignited in flames.
        low health - Your health is reduced to 1HP
        drugged - Flashes of color and tilted vision overtake your screen to distract you.
        blind - Your view is obscured completely for the duration of the roll.
        stripped to melee - You lose your primary and secondary weapons.
        beacon - An energy ring and pinging sound let the enemy know where you are.
        taunt - You are forced to taunt for the duration of the roll.
        nostalgia - Your screen gets a black and white overlay.
        earthquake - A rumble shakes your screen and affects those around you.
        funny feeling - Your FOV is increased majorly.
        mystery sauce - You are covered in jarate and milk and bleeding out.




    Friendly Mode is a command that you can use to make you invulnerable to attacks. You should use this if you want to roam the map without being killed or you simply don't want to deal with spawn campers. In friendly mode you do not receive or deal damage to yourself and/or anyone. Your character is half transparent to let players know that you are in that mode. To use this command, type !friendly.



    Using !duel you start a duel for free without the need for the tool. When you use the command it will show a pop-up for you to choose your opponent and configure the way the duel is set. You can class restrict, set a time limit and/or set a point limit.

    Using !abort allows you to end the duel. This is counted as a forfiet and the opponent wil earn a win.

    Note : Dueler protection has been disabled and restricted. You will not be able to use that feature as it caused many problems when it was useable in the past.



    Curious about your stats (session and overall)?

    Type !rank to see some of the following stats:

    • Position
    • Kills and Deaths [K/D Ratio]
    • Frags
    • Headshots
    • Kill Assists
    • Time in Server


    The next command can be activated simply by typing next, !next or /next.
    It shows you your current position in the server, and how many points more other players have than you.

    For more stat information, look for your statistics profile at http://www.xenogamers.com/rank


    Donation Information

    Basic Donator  $12.50
    Upgraded Donator  $20.00
    Super Donator  $37.50
    Uber Donator  $50.00

    Please note : This is a one-time purchase; we do not have subscriptions. If you wish to upgrade your tier, you only have to pay the difference. For example, if you want to upgrade to Upgraded from Basic, you would only pay 7.50 USD. Please be sure that you add our division leaders on steam, or message them on the forums, and provide them with a receipt so they can verify your donator. If you are upgrading, you need to provide the original receipt and the new receipt.

    The donator system/threads were last updated on: January 31th, 2016. - All donations must be made through the Donation Tab (PayPal).


    Donator Commands

    Basic Donator Commands:


    !colorme (Used to change your color.)
    !rocketme (Launches you in the air, like a rocket.)
    !nofallme (Turn on or off fall damage)
    !stunme (Stuns yourself)
    !gtstunme (Same as above, but as if you were spooked)
    !bonkme (Stuns as if hit by Sandman)
    !buildinghats (Toggles hats on Engy buildings)
    !rerollhat (Allows you to roll for different Engy building hats. 30 second cooldown)
    !rainbowme (Applies a rainbow outline around you)

    Upgraded Donator Commands:


    !ks (Activates Killstreak effects)
    !eviltrailme (Fire and Smoke trail)
    !skeleton (Sniper only)
    !robot (Turns you into a robot)
    !resizehead (Changes the size of your head)
    !resizeme (Changes your whole size)
    !resizeresetme (Resets any resize changes)
    !voice (Allows you to change the pitch of your voice from 50-200) **Staff Donators can change from 0-255**

    Super Donator Commands:


    !vote (Toggles a vote in the servers. Necessary for spawning and becoming bosses)
    !unusual (Unusual effects on weapons)
    !raffle (Activate a raffle)
    !raffle_assign (Add someone to the raffle)
    !raffle_remove (Remove someone from the raffle)
    !raffle_cancel (Cancel the raffle)
    !raffle_list (List everyone in current raffle)
    !spawnboss (Spawns bosses)
    !slayboss (Slays the boss)
    !resizemyhands (Resizes your hands)
    !resizemytorso (Resizes your torso)
    !btg (Be a ghost)
    !shield (Medic shield)
    !tauntem (Taunt with any taunt)
    !tauntem_list (Lists the available taunts)
    !dsp (Change and modify your voice)
    !ball (Simply put, spawn a ball)
    !cleanballs (Remove spawned balls)
    !disguise (Opens a menu to apply disguises with)
    !nodisguise (Blocks and unblocks disguise)

     Uber Donator Commands:


    !noclip (Toggles noclip)
    !makemegift (Turns you into a present)
    !fakegift (Fake present)
    !bemerasmus (Turns you into Merasmus)
    !behhh (Turns you into HHH)
    !hsay (Server Message)
    !tsay (Server Message)
    !msay (Server Message)
    !csay (Server Message)
    !buildinghateffect (Choose an unusual effect for your Engy buildings)
    !proj (Put models and effects on your projectiles)

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