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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Toob's Map

    They are allowed to use it. I put it up on CSbanana so that people could use my map if they like. Basically, if you publish your map, anyone is allowed to use it. I think it's cool that it's on other servers! But I have V5 coming out soon with some updates. Such as improved deathrun, eaiser to guard surf, bigger pool, added freedom pit, ect..
  2. 2 points

    Rant on Member Subs

    What do you mean "Novel" its "Novels" and his voice can be the only one that reads them.
  3. 1 point
    so, i've been away for a while, but was able to take a little break from what i was doing and try to play a little jailbreak, but was surprised that most of the times i launch csgo the server's empty, and the highest amount of people i saw on the server was 10 people, which never happened again. so, is it because of time zone differences since i live in UAE (right next to Saudi Arabia), or are the servers just dead?
  4. 1 point


    Late spring break next week, so vacation. My balls will be pretty inactive so dont be like "da fuq where is tht fgt sham jew nigger hes inctive deny tht ho" Hoping to be a part of the community again when I get back:3 Dont get DDoS' d, -Shammeh
  5. 1 point

    Rant on Member Subs

    That was actually very enjoyable to read. Write a novel Forest, I'd read it.
  6. 1 point

    Leaving xG peace

    WAT?!?!!??!?! We don't have your nudes... Do you even have nudes!??!?!?
  7. 1 point

    Rant on Member Subs

    @@Shaggy is a fucking queer, he sucks at league and has a tiny peepee @@Forest i am the best ADC Worldwide. @@Hellafun13 he plays but the one time i played with him his interwebs was like "nah bitch, u sux, go back to CS"
  8. 1 point

    I blew up my modem :(

    >Blew up modem/router >No Internet >Still posts on internet forum.
  9. 1 point

    Rant on Member Subs

    forest is a gay nuff said :D
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point

    Me being disrespected

    People dislike you because of your voice.
  12. 1 point

    Should I swap from CS:S to CS:GO

    you can still do both but still gotta put down ur favorite
  13. 1 point

    Me being disrespected

    from what I learned, it is about if your young or not as flatline said, but also if you do something stupid that day they will keep making fun of you for that day. :mad: Also Chrono is a bully, so be aware of him. :) (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
  14. 1 point

    Me being disrespected

    lol mtown, just lol.
  15. 1 point

    Me being disrespected

  16. 1 point

    Me being disrespected

    Are you trying to get people to bully you ?
  17. 0 points

    Rant on Member Subs

    "+1 cool guy, mature, active" "+1 hes my bro" "+1 cuz hes a great warden and is mature" "+1 cu-" I SWEAR TO GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, I WILL SHIT HELLFIRE DOWN ON YOU IF YOU SAY ONE MORE THING AND YOUR REASONING IS JUST "Well, he's a cool player and cool guy". You've probably already clued in as to what I'll be raging about and discussing in this thread. I am sick of seeing this sort of "Information" being thrown around in Member Submissions. I am also sick of people saying "HUR DURR, WELL, IT'S TOO EASY TO GET INTO xG NOWADAYS, WE SHOULD RAISE TEH VOUCHES." Well gee, if you uhh, took the time to look at a few of our Member Submissions, uhh.. You'd probably notice this little thing that's been going on lately.. It's actually kinda funny because NO ONE. IS GIVING. LEGITIMATE. FUCKING. REASONINGS. Implementing this sort of idea is just going to raise the amount of dumbasses incapable of giving their opinion. I guess somewhere down the line, people started thinking being "cool" was enough to be in xG. And it caught on. A lot. So much that almost every god damn person applying is suddenly a Coooool guy. You want to know why people are getting in so easily? It's because of derps like this mo' fuckah: "HEZ COOL GUY. GR8 WARDENING SKILLZ. FUNNY AND ACTIVE" That makes getting in xG so damn easy. The real problem is actually quite simple. Everyone is too god damn lazy to come up with something that is either meaningful or unique to that person who wants to be a part of XenoGamers. If anyone actually took the time to look at our Member Submission guidelines, they would see this nifty little quote here, said by our beloved Leader; Wait a minute! Now that I look at that, I'm starting to think some asshole decided to say to him/herself; "Hey! That's a great idea! Instead of Not including those things, I'm going to say that!" So, before you guys hit that button that says "Quick Reply" or "Send" or whatever the hell it is, too lazy to check.. How about showing a little decency to give the applicant an idea of what YOU think of them. With the amount of people saying he's cool, it's bound to happen that we're going to get an egotistical asshat who thinks they're all that because everyone said he was Cool on his Member Submission. Tell us why this person Deserves to be in xG. Why is this person so great. Do they bring a sense of fun with them to the server? Are they a talkative person? Is their name Doug, and if so are they proud of it? Just do us all a favour and provide a LITTLE bit more then just "Hes cool" or "Hes great". Tell you what, if you can't even do just that.. DON'T. POST. SHIT. This rage is brought to you by XenoGamers, one of the "easiest to get into" communities around. For more butt-frustration from Forest, please continue doing so in Member Submissions. (Warning: Doing so may cause uncontrollable amounts of rage in certain individuals, we are in no way liable if for some reason you wake up with a splintering log lodged deep in your anal cavity.) TL;DR - There is none. No TL;DR. Fuck you, go read it. :LOL: - Dat guy, Forest
  18. 0 points

    Leaving xG peace

    leadership sucks and im gay but not into gay nerds... just regular gays
  19. 0 points


    Hey guys. I might be inactive due to tornadoes and severe storms. My power is out and stuff. Hopefully see you soon. Btw there is already a reported tornado that touched down.
  20. 0 points
    The only times I see you, Mrs. Stephano, are usually late nights and early mornings (LA Pacific time). Server is usually fun in the afternoon and evening. Thank you and have a nice day.
  21. 0 points

    Me being disrespected

  22. -1 points

    Should I swap from CS:S to CS:GO

    still get hackers but not as much, not all wardens are T-friendly as you, and cs go jailbreak can lead to some random shit
  23. -1 points

    Me being disrespected

    Im sad now :(
  24. -2 points

    xG Competition Night

    **********UPDATE HERE IS THE BRACKET AND MATCHES WILL START @ 6 p.m. Eastern time**************** This bracket will be used for it each game type. SERVER ROTATION: Scrim I, King Echo, will be hosting the first xG Competition Night on Saturday the 27th of April aka 4/27 and will be a rotation of any and all competition friendly servers such as GunGame, Awps, Scrimming, and Surf! Each match will be best out of 6 rounds on a map and teams will be switched after 3 rounds. The scrimming matches will stay the same as a normal scrim would be and not follow the 6 round structure. Prizes (split between the team): 1st Place: 20,000 2nd Place: 18,000 3rd Place: 15,000 4th Place: 10,000 5th Place: 8,000 PLEASE Have 1 or 2 subs just incase someone doesn't show! Team #1 - PurpGang (PG) Captain - Echo 2. DeathGod 3. Tree 4. Tempted 5. Arvelez Subs - Gloryguy Team #2 - African Parade (AP) Captain- MineCrack 2. Chrono 3. Turdwig 4. Gawd 5. Bees Subs - HaaDron Team #3 Team American World Police (TAWP) Captain: Duckii Jr. 2. Obama 3. Chucktheman 4. Kritio 5. Borat Team #4 Shadow Fags (SF) Captain: ShadowSpy 2. Leotekk 3. Hellafun 4. ShakeAnBake 5. RainbowDashie
  25. -4 points


    My gym membership is about to run out... I won't be able to lift much longer... D; i cri
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