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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/13 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    GTA5 Crew?

    Yeah I know it's coming out. But then PS3 will be cheaper. I don't have beaucoup bucks. And PS3 is better than nothing.
  2. 1 point

    GTA5 Crew?

    Was going to join but I only have a 360. Damn. Would have been nice Edit: Joined anyway since I'm planning on getting a PS3. Maybe.
  3. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    There's only 2 options here: 1. Take away ban access from everybody 2. Unban everybody
  4. 0 points

    XenoGamers Lottery Q&A

    If Purple wins will he get un ct banned?
  5. 0 points


    Just beat GTA V, now waiting for GTA online
  6. 0 points

    Special Commands

    Resolved, so closing. All the fun commands are restricted to the "z"-root flag, as well as a couple other commands that can be deemed overly abusive. Sorry, but we can't trust you guys with these commands cause you can't control yourselves when you have access. Using them on yourself is in no way helpful to the server, just gets in the way. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  7. -1 points
    -1 Back seat moderating for no reason at all, causing problems.
  8. -1 points

    Give us back PermBans

    wot m8? u avn a giggle? Also, the kick and ban disconnected should work. All of the bans done this way have worked...
  9. -2 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Closing this as there isn't anything left to be said. We have the proof. I will consult with the Dark, Gkoo, and Hiding to decide the course of action to be taken. As I said they are MIA though and I can't get a hold of any of them. @@diabeetus I could see possibly how it's a fun command so I'm sure that will be discussed. @@Ten17Thug if you have nothing to help the thread don't post.
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