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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. Yeah, go ahead and remove the morbus group to gmod.

    Done. Separate sections for GMOD is a waste of room IMHO and it's not big enough ATM to justify it man :(

    Most I'm willing to do is add tags that define which server you're talking about and user's when making a thread can define which tag they wanna use.


    Could even add an addon that lets you sort by this tag.

  2. GMOD servers moved to morbus admin group. I would really appreciate it if we could rename that group soon to make more sense.

  3. ill be adding some plugins today and I'll turn off the towny upkeep thing until the shop plugin works.

    I fixed it so you can put money in your town. Disable if you want.

  4. EU is used for when the majority of clients are based in Europe. This reduces the delay between files by a factor of three. Furthermore, there's a physical (possibly geographical) issue preventing certain clients from establishing a physical connection to the US. EU is also set for default in-case the ip cannot be retrieved/redirected from the database for some reason, it will revert to a location that will work for all clients.


    For Morbus however, I don't have to deal with these issues in Chicago, as over 95% of clients who try to connect as based in the US or CA. And yeah, updating the config to that would be great as it would increase response times between each of the 250+ files by 100ms.


  5. Is the NA Redirect still setup at fastdl.xenogamers.com? If not could one be added? I need it for Morbus, as sending clients to Europe then back increases the download time on each file by 100-300ms.


    Furthermore, requests would need to be processed as quickly as possible and without error. Having NA hosted on the spot without any redirects would be better if feasible. There's tons of small files which I would prefer sent at a rate of two or three per second to compete with other servers.


    Frankfurt nginx ip: (for fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com)


    map $geoip_city_continent_code $closest_server {
           default fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           NA fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           SA fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           EU fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           OC fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           AS fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;

    Well since I finally fixed the HTTPS redirection issue, zero errors will happen now. You want the current config updated with that?


    Why the default to EU though?

  6. he meant moving some of the threads within this sub-forum to the new server management sub-forum since that is what the topics of said threads are. but understandably we dont have moderator powers in these sections.

    OH yeah I disabled them a long time ago.

  7. A bit late to this conversation, but the recent leaving is mostly due to bandwagon, though most people who leave still come back to play on our servers though some reasons to why they left is due to immaturity, BUT some users left due to personal issues such as school, bad marks, knowing they'll be inactive so they choose to leave to fix those up.


    For some of the immaturity issues, it would be partially due to the fact that there are young gamers in the clan, though I wouldn't believe this is the only fault. As Stickz mentioned, there needs to be harsher punishment for those trolling or "joking" around since essentially people will join that wagon and have fun and potentially cause a loss in future applicants. As well some lead by example things can be done, like one person who sees this activity acting up should stand their ground regardless of what powers they have to tell people to stop this trolling.



    This wouldn't be a smart idea as most TF2 users are younger kids and you can't deny that there are some good people. Hell I was in this clan when I was 15/16, and there are many good young gamers. Just there's those odd bullies out who use the internet since it's easier and less likely to get caught. I'd just attempt to try and reinforce the rules and make them strict to make us stay on a lookout for these rule breakers.



    I agree with this, but we really forget that there's no other division that is talking as much as the TF2 division. I've talked with @Stickz before to get ND/Morbus players to start conversations on this forum to potentially bring activity up, though his concern was the childish behavior within the forums already that drives those players to not be on this forum. Which is partially why I keep pestering @Bleed to when the CS:GO servers are going to be up and running to bring in more users.


    All in all, I thing other than everyone trying to clean up the current forums userbase, @kbraszzz and @Rejects can handle controlling the TF2 forums and we can all pitch in increase the diversity of our servers again. The last promo/demos have exclusively been TF2, except for that mass Minecraft rebirth. Where are the CS:GO/GMOD people? We need more CS:GO/GMOD applications. If you look at the member submissions, literally 5 pages of TF2 with the occasional minecraft within it.


    So what goals can we all do as a group to improve the diversity of members in the clan? What can we do to speed up CS:GO (@Bleed), Who's running the GMOD division? @Stickz has Morbus, what about the other servers? People always say those servers are saturated, but the point is to make the server enjoyable based on the people who play them so people can come back. That's what makes TF2 successful. Even Facebook posts are doing alright when it comes to informing TF2 activities.

    Well remember there are features on the forum such as Thread banning and warnings. Maybe we could start using them more.

  8. Query times are already really high for Europe, 80ms apart would be much better. It wouldn't do any harm to Chicago being 30ms apart honestly.


    Plus there's that added benefit for the rest of the clan of not having both services affected at once.

    Alright during spring break I will do it :)

  9. As Silence said, I really like this general set of rules. I'd really like to get a little bit more involved with the tf2 division and figure out how we can help improve it (at least the general attitude within the servers/division community). Spring break is coming up for me in about 1.5 weeks, meaning that I should have a pretty large chunk of free time on my hands. From what I've seen, much of the recent drama we've had has come almost exclusively from the tf2 division, so I'd really like to be a part of the process of "cleaning it up" (for lack of a better phrase).

    Yeah I can do it then too.

    Also I wanted to bring up upping the age requirement for good, since I want to become more serious in this community and having 14 year olds causing drama isn't helping.

  10. The sourcemod 1.7.1 auto installer, addition of the steamworks extension and the sourcecomms plugin would have to be put on every server, to implement improvements, since the default sourcemod method of gag/mute/silence is only temporary session based. (reconnect or map change the punishment is gone) All these ineffective bans are getting casted due to this limited session based ability of blocking communication. Ie. Why ban someone for admin abuse, when you just can stop them from talking for a few hours?

    Mmmmmm yeah but we would need someone to enforce banning of admins for abuse :(


    I really feel we need more comm leaders and leaders in general.

  11. There's a mass leaving? Only about 5-7 people have actually left last time I checked, and the people who left for negative reasons seem to have left for somewhat unrelated reasons. Bach left because he didn't enjoy the "constant drama" (which is somewhat understandable), Patient Zero just seems to be the standard "fudge this clan" type leaving, and Christian's leaving appears to be related to Bach's reason as well. The rest of the people (which is really only like 3-5 people tops) appear to just be band-wagoning. Pretty tame "mass leaving" as far as I can tell, we've had much worse in the time that I've been here imo.


    EDIT: also Bach had been talking about leaving xG for some time and Forge said that he would leave him with him, so that explains part of it.

    Alright I just don't like hearing that there are issues with xG and then they don't even say the issues because "you already know them" which is extremely frustrating.

  12. So why are people leaving, claiming it's due to immaturity and assholes? I mean this is certainly not the first time this has happened but I rather nip this in the butt once and for all so what gives?


    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=3]@Leader[/uSERGROUP]

  13. @Rhododendron


    I need this table created on the ND Database so I can finish testing my new plugin.


    CREATE TABLE users (


  14. I'm doing it. The main addon is finished, but still needs to be ported over to 1.7 syntax.

    So just a conversion? Let me know if you need help I'm always available.

    Also for the grabber mod we could code it to use the E(+use) button for hooking so binding wouldn't be necessary.

  15. New update to the addon, removed the option to promote/demote on the member card.


    To now promote/demote a user, go to their forum profile, and hover over the 'Moderator Actions' button and choose 'Promote/Demote User'.


    [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=3]@Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]