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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. I too have still yet to see my custom title return . (Chickun in orange color.)


    Hopefully @kbraszzz can shed some light. T.T

    I've been seeing a store glitch for the titles:


    >L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM] Native "json_object_get" reported: Invalid <Object> handle 0 (error 4)
    L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "store/store-titles.smx":
    L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM]   [0]  Line 1028, C:\Users\Nomulous\Desktop\XenoGamers Source\store\include\smjansson.inc::json_object_get_string()
    L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM]   [1]  Line 131, store-titles.sp::LoadItem()


    Looks like someone added an invalid item somewhere and this is causing the issue.

  2. @kbraszzz @Nomulous


    Earlier today I was on Saxton Hale, Slender Fortress, and Jailbreak. I noticed that tons of stuff is now broken, or crashing, and it's getting to the point where it's nearly unplayable. If this keeps up, we are going to damage our population for servers that we are actually trying to bring people to (i.e. Slender Fortress).


    Problem Servers:


    Slender Fortress:

    Crashes constantly whenever someone joins a team. Other plugins may be broken.


    Saxton Hale:

    Sometimes crashes on maps, plugins break often.


    Jailbreak #1:

    LCT Plugin - dead

    Give Crits - dead

    Boosthealth - dead

    Random ping spikes where people are dropped from the server.


    The Fix:

    We are using an EXTREMELY old development build of Sourcemod, it's easily 20-25 versions old. All we have to do is update to the lastest STABLE build "1.7.1-git5181", reinstall the updater plugin (so the actual updater plugin is at its latest version), and then allow all of the plugins to update themselves.


    I know that I am not good at coding, but from personal experience of working with TF2 servers, this usually resolves a majority of the issues. Since no one is saying anything to the higher ups about this, I figured I should bring it to the attention of them.


    Other plugins to consider fixing/updating:

    Ban Disconnected Players - on page nine of the sm forums, there is an update.

    Slenderfortress plugin - if there is an update

    cURL extension/SteamTools extension



    I'll post more here if any pop into my head.

    Also the updater plugin only works if the dev uses it. The majority of plugins don't use it. I've added steamworks and tf2items to our repo so they update from now on.

  3. This week I am going to startup our updater database, that will have all popular plugins update automatically. This will be done so we don't have to go on every server and update it every time, and I'll even customize the addons to use [xG] prefixes so it will make the server look sexier.


    I need a list of plugins that should go on this repo.


    Also I might do a course (lol) on how to debug server errors and crashes. Tell me if that would be useful and I'll write up a guide or go on Teamspeak and help you guys live.

  4. @Rhododendron


    Could you tell the chicago fastdl to only redirect for .vtf.bz2, .bsp.bz2, .wav.bz2, .mp3.bz2 and .mp3. It's faster for the client to download the other small files on the spot regardless of their location.


    Here are test files.



    *Notice mp3 is a special exception which I don't compress because it's faster not to. Both compressed and decompressed need included as there's still some compressed mp3s left.

    I'll setup tomorrow :)


    Can you just give me links to files that I should test?

    I'll just do a curl test.

  5. I feel like this isn't so much directed at the individuals who are "too young" so much as it is a way to stifle the cancerous growth of immaturity, but this is just speculation.

    Honestly, it's become difficult with lack of older people that may have more experience managing users and helping with donations and whatnot. Younger people simply don't have the money and experience to contribute as much as I would like to the servers. Don't get me wrong, the staff that manages the servers is great but I just want the clan to appeal to an older demographic since I feel it would help our growth over time. With the younger people, it feels like we are a babysitting place where they come and go so frequently and the older people who want to stay are so frustrated with the amount of drama they cause that they leave.

  6. Instead of raising the age on member applications, how about we make stricter rules on how to act as a member or else you will be kicked out, just a suggestion

    We are going to, this is just another part of the complete revision of the application process that we are doing.

    Rules for members and staff is going to be rewritten as well.

  7. +1 -1 works when the people that post a +1 or -1 aren't idiots about it. some people follow proper format and give good informative posts about how they feel person x would be as a member but most dont. there needs to be a forced change in the attitude of how people see it. just a general yes or no vote wouldn't work. people need to be forced to actually think about how the person would be as a member before their opinion can count and there should be a set number of legitimate vouches.

    Someone suggested using a form for posts in the submission threads, as to avoid simplistic comments like that.


    Only issue is I gotta find an addon that can do that.

  8. For the other servers such as TTT, DarkRP and ZS that would be useful. Morbus is pretty much covered in that respect. Just need like eight-ten more moderators in general then after three-four per server when released.

    Well do you have anyone in mind?

  9. Yup, Morbus was fixed on the 25th. The biggest issue currently is the lack of moderators, as rdming can get really bad.

    Hmmm wanna find some more help with the division, don't you need a div manager?

  10. 3. Have a voting system, Silence was talking about a voting system instead of vouches. Maybe we could try it out and see if it works.

    It wasn't voting to influence whether they would join the clan, but a general opinion of all members if they approve of the user joining this clan. Just clarifying.

  11. Alright, here's what I wanna do:


    We are done with vouch counting. Vouches should be used as a sort of recommendation to the respective division leader, and not a tallying system. So we do away with the rules against annoying voice and whatnot, just have the community vouch or not vouch for a user.


    However, people will probably want to leave a simplistic vote, so we let them. For every new member submission created, we create a poll. All members can vote YES or NO on the poll. This is to show how the community generally feels about a user, without having to deal with nonconstructive comments. Any users that still attempt to leave such comments will have them removed and they will be warned using the warning system.


    I also want to implement a system of auto locking any applications that are left undetermined after a week. We do not need all these open threads and I want to stop it. However, it would probably be easier to simply move them to an archived section and lock them, so up to you guys!


    I need suggestions I wanna make this clan the best it can be!


    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=3]@Leader[/uSERGROUP]

  12. I'm getting some disputes that making it 17 will destroy our current playerbase and people will leave TF2, destroying the clan.


    Here is what we are going to do:

    To apply for a membership, you must be at least 15.

    For Staff Positions, you must be at least 16.

    • Is Redstone the only server using this feature? Xeno Gamers
      • It allows you to gag/mute a client for hours, days, weeks etc thus removing the need to ban for minor chat related offenses.

      [*]Morbus is completely broke since the last gmod update, so it's going to be very inactive unless the gamemode developer fixes it.


    Was it ever fixed?