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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. Requesting a better staff application system. The current system is crude, heavily subject to favouritism via vouches and commonly receives inexperienced moderators due to the fact division leaders are persuaded by simple uninformative vouches.


    On Nuclear Dawn for instance, it should be layed out like this, with consideration of what the person posts actually posts in the application. The persons who get tagged by the applicant, should then be brought to the forums to explain why they think this person would be a good moderator. Not "oh sweet anther application +1 active +1 mature +1 good person". This also fixes the "hey man, can you plus +1 me" while running through everyone on your steam list.


    The vouches and the applicants post should be considered by the division leader when deciding whether or not to approve it.


    The requirement that all vouchers have to be staff members should be waived so long the division leader knows the person who is vouching and feels they are adequate to represent the applicant.


    p.s I honestly think that the whole green tag on +1 sort of encourages this type of behaviour. If it was layed out like product reviews where you say pros, cons and other thoughts, would be better.

    Why not just all vouches have to be staff members only? Then we could make it a rule that asking staff for vouches get's your application nullified?


    Frankly, I want to change the age limit since the drama is literally like middle school in here and it's getting frustrating. I think that would help somewhat with the issues and immaturity, if only a little.

  2. Hey, I'm standing for people with depression in general. The cutforzayn thing just sparked my movement, wether its real or not.

    It should be based around depression in general :) And I'm guessing there are organizations out there that are large and can help (hopefully) but the main message you should spread to people with depression is to talk to someone about it. Don't keep quiet. That's the most important thing to spread.

  3. It's trying to go to .org now, not reaching it and failing on both and fastdl.xenogamers.com.


    wget fastdl.xenogamers.com/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    --2015-03-27 00:01:07--  http://fastdl.xenogamers.com/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    Resolving fastdl.xenogamers.com...
    Connecting to fastdl.xenogamers.com||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: [following]
    --2015-03-27 00:01:07--
    Connecting to connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2 [following]
    --2015-03-27 00:01:07--  http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    Resolving fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org... failed: Name or service not known.
    wget: unable to resolve host address 'fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org'

    Was this resolved BTW, I think you said it works better now?

  4. @Rhododendron decision? everyone that's left for CS:S has voted, basically up to you at this point

    Dude I need someone competent to work on it. That's the only thing keeping me from saying 'ok let's do it'.


    I need someone to work with me and understand how the current configs work, but also have knowledge with the clan previously.

  5. @Rhododendron

    The fastdl link just redirected me from .com to .org. Is there any way to fix this un-needed thing from happening?

    • Afew clients from random places outside North America are having issues so want to try and narrow it down.
    • Also, an additional redirect & resolve 300+ times increases the download times for Morbus.

    wget http://fastdl.xenogamers.com/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    --2015-03-26 23:29:21--  http://fastdl.xenogamers.com/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    Resolving fastdl.xenogamers.com...
    Connecting to fastdl.xenogamers.com||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2 [following]
    --2015-03-26 23:29:21--  http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    Resolving fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com...
    Connecting to fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2 [following]
    --2015-03-26 23:29:21--  http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    Resolving fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org...
    Reusing existing connection to fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com:80.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 37680061 (36M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: 'roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2'
    roadwork_w01.bsp.bz 100%[=====================>]  35.93M  --.-KB/s   in 0.06s
    2015-03-26 23:29:21 (614 MB/s) - 'roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2' saved [37680061/37680061]



    Anther instance of redirecting and resolving. I could fix this by using

    Welcome to nginx! instead, assuming the above issue gets fixed.

    --2015-03-26 23:46:14--
    Connecting to connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2 [following]
    --2015-03-26 23:46:14--  http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org/maps/roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2
    Resolving fastdl.eu.xenogamers.org...
    Reusing existing connection to
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 37680061 (36M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: 'roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2.2'
    roadwork_w01.bsp.bz 100%[=====================>]  35.93M  --.-KB/s   in 0.05s
    2015-03-26 23:46:14 (655 MB/s) - 'roadwork_w01.bsp.bz2.2' saved [37680061/37680061]

    Technically it would prevent any DNS issues but since we use a third-party DNS server I doubt that would happen.


    I removed any cases of .org being in the config and deleted the fastdl CNAME entries in CF.

    Updating the config to the one you posted.

  6. - Some old forum categories will be Archived.

    - Most forum categories will use prefixes chosen by users for sorting purposes.



    Post suggestions I wanna clean this place up.

    I also need prefix suggestions for every division so division leaders and managers should make those suggestions below. For examples, go to GMOD Discussion forum and try creating a new thread for examples. If there are more than 5 servers for that division I will not be making prefixes for each division. As it will get needlessly complicated.


    [uSERGROUP=3]@Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP]

  7. GMOD, ND is archived. For creating threads in GMOD you MUST use a forum prefix of General, TTT, or Morbus.


    I'm going to be switching all forum categories to be using prefixes for better sorting, so if you want any defined for ND tell me please, as well as suggestions for other forums.


    [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]

  8. I need to hardcode the forum links to certain threads in lua before releasing ttt. Plus I'm waiting to post a moderation recruitment thread and server test date once things are organized.

    Making forum categories for specific servers will break the layout I have so I cannot do. I will do tagging.

  9. @Rhododendron

    I need the two important things above done asap, as it's critical for server releases, development, testing and moderator recruiting. The low priority's would be nice, but don't need done right away.

    Will happen tomorrow. Can't do tonight busy with life.

    motd.xenogamers.com is on CloudFlare's service now.

    Dunno what you mean about fastdl but I changed the configs to the one you posted.


    No discussion will happen immediately so I wouldn't worry.

  10. I will be writing up a content policy for xG next week. It will really only apply to the website and servers for now. If you want to speak your mind unfiltered, you may always use Teamspeak Community Channels. That's why they are there.

  11. Alright we have been flagged by Google Adsense for Haxx posting NSFW on the shoutbox.


    We CANNOT get banned by Google Adsense so from now on I want anyone who posts anything NSFW to be banned for 3 days.


    We need ad revenue to survive.


    [uSERGROUP=3]@Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP]