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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. >
    "PHP <head/><br/>
    <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined method PostComments_ReportHandler_PostComments::getModelFromCache() in <b>/home/xeno/public_html/xenforo/library/PostComments/ReportHandler/PostComments.php</b> on line <b>121</b><br/>


    Sorry just got on. Fixed!

  2. Suggestions:


    I want it to match the look of a modern icon. What I mean can be seen by looking at the Heart icon in the ratings:


    See the shadow? See the gradient and the light touch of the border? It flows so amazingly!

    Also check out the non-animated smilies for even more examples of what would match the current theme of the website!


    Just a suggestion!

  3. Well, we've had the same +1 and -1 icons for almost 5 years now, and I want to change them!


    I am throwing a contest to anyone who wants to design new icons!!!


    The rules are this:

    1. Cannot be taken from any other source.
    2. Must be a PNG.
    3. Dimensions MUST be 18px by 18px.

    Failure to follow the rules will result in your expulsion from the contest.


    What am I looking for?

    1. Modern design!
    2. Maybe circles!
    3. Not bad and very nice!

    If your icon is chosen as the winner, you will get a BIG PRIZE!

    no idea what the prize is yet, still working on that...



    GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. Alrighty. I'm adding smac, smac_aimbot, smac_client, and smac_spinhack to PKMN trade. Hopefully it will end up catching a few people.


    @Rhododendron It will take eight aimbot detections before a ban is issued. Very lenient :)

    Alright leave it only there for a month, let's see if it catches anyone.

  5. Also, could we make it where all CL's will know the promo demo in-case someone (lee) is busy and can't do it around 3/4 PM est. This could prevent the promo/demos being posted at 10 PM when most people in the eastern time zone are logging off.

    We could start forming the promo/demo in the admin discussion a week or so in advance.

  6. Ah, dammit. Oh well.

    Yeah that's why nobody really pushes it anymore, it was effective for like 6 months but it really doesn't do anything effective anymore. The cheat detection hasn't been updated since like 2013.

  7. Ah, alright. I was looking around for it and I saw that it was just recently updated as of Feb 2015.


    Check it out: smac: Summary


    If I have the all clear from you guys, I'd like to add it to the test server and ask a few people to aimbot.

    Don't bother, I removed it a while ago because newer cheats are able to bypass it easily.


    Since the source is public, cheats know exactly how to bypass it's functions so it's a waste of CPU cycles.


    You can test with it but honestly it's a waste of performance and won't solve anything since 99% of all cheats these days aren't detected by it.

  8. Then let's start cleaning up the clan. Post a list of people that need to be removed, reformat the submission guidelines, make member protests more effective, and if people have a problem with fixing real issues they should leave or be removed.


    Any thoughts?

    • The concern I have is that every time you push an update out, it's not going to reach the server until it restarts
      • Then the map likely has to change in order for the plugin itself to reload (to complete the update process)

    • It would be more efficient if every server received the update ASAP (which is just before map change)
      • If the updater feature gets used on a larger scale, you'd be able to test changes and roll out critical fixes much faster.

    • Ether way I have to make this change for myself due to the massive amount of plugins and translations i'm going to have on my private ND repo.
      • Just thought I'd mention it as tf2 could run into the same problem if a lot of plugins become automated.
      • I can easily load it onto my private ND repo, but don't want to change the link in the future.

    Alright I'll implement it soon on all the servers, whenever I have the time.

  9. Want me to modify that code to only run if the server is ND or L4D2 then?

    Why not just modify your updater since I think you would be using that specific functionality usefully and I don't think TF2 needs constant checks like that. The way it's functioning currently is fine IMHO but you can modify your updater if you want :)


    Unless you think the current way is bad.

  10. The updater plugin is already on it's own repo with support for automatic updating. All you have to do is change the repo, copy that code and merge tf2 support with the code. TF2 likely has multiple rounds so you may need to find an alternative method to detect an 8 to 10s window before map change.

    Okay but remember you can make it so any plugin can check for updates quicker since I don't have any issues with the current way the addon does it.

    • To force all plugins to be updated before map change. (if updates are available)
    • They will automatically reload during map change flawlessly as-well.
    • The above code only includes l4d2 and nd support. As tf2 and css would use different methods. (maybe)

    That script you cited won't work for TF2. I'll do some edits in the coming days and get this working :)


    But a custom updater means I'll have to put the updater plugin on the repo, which I hope will work!

  11. I too still have not seen my custom title return either. It was "Chickun" in orange letters. I'd love you long time if you could find it in your heart to give it back. <3

    I'll see if I can fix this weekend, I'll have more time to investigate, but message me on steam and I'll hook you up.

  12. @Rhododendron


    Could you switch the updater plugin to the xG repo and change afew things?

    • Remove or reduce the sixty minute update cooldown.
    • Tell plugins to update within that window before map change. When a plugin is changed, sourcemod will automatically reload it during map change.
      • Here is the ND and l4d2 code for doing that along with tf and cs mod detection.

    enum Bools
    new bool:g_Bool[bools] = {false, ...};
    public OnPluginStart()
       // Check Game Mod
       new String:game_mod[32];
       GetGameFolderName(game_mod, sizeof(game_mod));
       if (strcmp(game_mod, "nucleardawn", false) == 0)
           g_Bool[ND] = true;
       else if (strcmp(game_mod, "left4dead", false) == 0)
           g_Bool[L4D] = true;
       else if (strcmp(game_mod, "tf", false) == 0)
          g_Bool[TF2] = true;
       else if ( (strcmp(game_mod, "cstrike", false) == 0) || (strcmp(game_mod, "csgo", false) == 0) )
          g_Bool[CS] = true;
      HookEvent("round_win", EventRoundWin, EventHookMode_Pre);
      HookEvent("timeleft_5s", Event_TimeLimit, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
    public OnMapStart()
      g_Bool[roundEnd] = false;
    public EventRoundWin(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
       if (!g_Bool[roundEnd] && (g_Bool[ND] ||  g_Bool[L4D] ))
           g_Bool[roundEnd] = true;
    public Event_TimeLimit(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
      if (!g_Bool[roundEnd] && (g_Bool[ND] ||  g_Bool[L4D] ))
           g_Bool[roundEnd] = true;
           CreateTimer(5.5, Timer_RoundEnd);
    public Action:Timer_RoundEnd(Handle:Timer)

    What is the reasoning behind this all?