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Reputation Activity

  1. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from ShyGuy in what, dah, fuhq   
    It's over. Thank you for participating in our experiment!
  2. Smelly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Ebic in Taking a break   
    That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
    I'm sawwy mashta
    Now do my bidding:

  3. Smelly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from John_Madden in Taking a break   
    That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
    I'm sawwy mashta
    Now do my bidding:

  4. Smelly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Taking a break   
    That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
    I'm sawwy mashta
    Now do my bidding:

  5. Smelly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Taking a break   
    That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
    I'm sawwy mashta
    Now do my bidding:

  6. Smelly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Taking a break   
    That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
    I'm sawwy mashta
    Now do my bidding:

  7. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Warriorsfury in buy me new keyboard ples   
    Where do I ship?

  8. Funny
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in jb_castleguarddev   
    Abortion? I handle circumcisions.

  9. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Nymph in buy me new keyboard ples   
    Where do I ship?

  10. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Scooter. in buy me new keyboard ples   
    Where do I ship?

  11. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in buy me new keyboard ples   
    Where do I ship?

  12. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DeathGod in buy me new keyboard ples   
    Where do I ship?

  13. Funny
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DeathGod in how 2 donate to css   
    (212) 870 3400
    They are expecting a call...
  14. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Jaybreeze in how 2 donate to css   
    (212) 870 3400
    They are expecting a call...
  15. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from mtown81 in Wheres TTT?   
    Is it in your server list? Cause I just moved it 2 days ago and now it's completely gone. It's most likely NFO's end but I don't think I did anything D:
    I'm in contact with them so bear with me.
  16. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from iRpx in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I'm looking to change that. And there are only 5 people that have Teamspeak admin (Administrator server group) so I almost did that already with your demotion ;)
  17. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGStumpy in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I see zero reason to give you the powers since all you do is hang out in Warriors channel and never go to any other part of the Teamspeak server. I need people who are willing to actively monitor the server and the rest of the admins will be losing their powers if they do not shape up. Powers will not be given to users who only sit in the community channels since those are privately administered.
    I'm glad you were able to figure this out on your own, though. *sarcasm*
    Also I changed my name. Get with it, kid.
  18. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I don't offer handouts, sorry.

    If you want to monitor Teamspeak you need to show interest in anything but the community channels.

  19. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I see zero reason to give you the powers since all you do is hang out in Warriors channel and never go to any other part of the Teamspeak server. I need people who are willing to actively monitor the server and the rest of the admins will be losing their powers if they do not shape up. Powers will not be given to users who only sit in the community channels since those are privately administered.
    I'm glad you were able to figure this out on your own, though. *sarcasm*
    Also I changed my name. Get with it, kid.
  20. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Lemons in Some day...   
  21. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from TheKingBaby in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I see zero reason to give you the powers since all you do is hang out in Warriors channel and never go to any other part of the Teamspeak server. I need people who are willing to actively monitor the server and the rest of the admins will be losing their powers if they do not shape up. Powers will not be given to users who only sit in the community channels since those are privately administered.
    I'm glad you were able to figure this out on your own, though. *sarcasm*
    Also I changed my name. Get with it, kid.
  22. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    Yes, because the first thing someone a random is going to do is scroll to the bottom and know exactly who to message. Might as well write a script to spam everyone on the server.
    I rather a random message me on team speak in oppose to a random come into the channel to interrupt a conversation. There's not much of a difference.
    As of right now, you're driving away an older member that's actually good away from the community.
    That's worded strange lol
    Well I'm sorry for giving people admin that have zero business having it. This was brought up in staff discussion as an issue and I am merely doing what I feel is the right thing. I'm gone for a bit so I can't respond to any further messages.
  23. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    Yes, because the first thing someone a random is going to do is scroll to the bottom and know exactly who to message. Might as well write a script to spam everyone on the server.
  24. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Silence what are you doing kid?   
  25. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I don't offer handouts, sorry.

    If you want to monitor Teamspeak you need to show interest in anything but the community channels.