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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. hmmm.....maybe ill stick around in surf for abit, as u can see sometimes our mods / admins don't know if its hack or just legit. If peolpe constantly think your hacking the best solution is!!!!! PLAY LIKE U JUST STARTED THE GAME ~ <3

  2. eh don't worry me and aegean will have a talk later on about these stuff, rules will be enforce so mods and admins be abit more stricter when u see any trollers/ disrespecter :), and if you see someone attacking another member just mute/gag them for a round and warn them.




    Also please stop disrespecting on the forums :) if i see you guys continue to disrespect ill give you guys a break from the forums mkay.

  3. like peechis said... The t's cause themself to die, In 4 corners only 1 of the corner is chosen to die. The warden knows this already and so should the T's, If T's choose to stand on 1 corner let them do so because if they all die its not the wardens fault.

    Now anyways... Quit disrespecting eachother constantly its getting annoying , if your not going to post anything nice or something that will offend anyone than don't post it at all, because once you do its going to start either a small or large war. Kthnx

  4. arthman we are not going to be only strict for the peolpe under the age of -16, We're going to be more strict to all of the members of this clan to get rid of them trollers :), Also why over the age 16? i'd say some of our younger members are more mature than those who are 16 or older.