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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. yeh... you never asked me neither :(, if there were to be a hacker or freekiller i usually come in with a different name D:. But anyways sorry about all the troubles, im not on most the afternoon or morning during these days because im usually on at night when most admins and mods are asleep,i go in with a different name just to watch a few of our members to see what they do when there is no mods or admins on.

  2. well , just putting this in.. Im just saying that demo had no proof of any kind of hacks, Also try recording the hacker for abit so than it would easy to see if they hack or not.

  3. lol, im usually on Ct team watching out for rules breaker, as u usually wonder around the map taking alook at all those who aren't participating in the day , ill slay and tell them.

  4. lol i usually don't play with more than 50+ players, but when i am in there i would usually sit in spec on free roaming camera and just watch over all the T's and Ct's. i'd say this would be abit better than swapping from player to player because you have a better view in free roam. Than if someone is to say in admin chat that someone freekill and give the name i usually spectate that person for a round.

  5. no.. we alrdy have many people wanting this back, the reason why we don't have this due to the abuse of it we have seen in the past. Example there is 1 player a group of people didnt like, they voteban him and it was a success. This can be abused on innocent people.





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  7. lol depend on my mood? xD anyways, i always mess around while playing anything else than Jb :D. Such as today.. i went on a server that has no block + throwing knife (Bad idea) and i would get people stuck haha.