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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. -1 Wasn't to great in jb since he was kinda spamming he was freekilled.. though he was not since he was ordered to drop the gun he had by a fellow Ct and was given a time to do so. He was also asked to stop by me but ignored and than continue saying he will than report this to the forum, if i remember He said something like he would report it and see if xG was smart or a bunch of turds?

  2. Answer to that is im guessing that its his bro that is a co ldr of a clan that his bro is in since he shares ~ i know this cause he pretty much said he shared the acc :).! Also i say the snail will over run us all!! run for u lifes!~


    As you can see kill its called Learn how to surf! :D Seriously if you can bhop u can surf :) since surf is mainly strafing.

  3. hmmm how about i go on another staem acc right now and join it to make it 7k brb.

    ~edit - Nope nvm someone left and made it 6998 and i joined on another acc made it 6999 again lol

  4. umm no it was not a scrim team lol, it was just a random thought that came by and i started a hobo nation :), than when herpes decided to start a scrim team we decided that when we're scrimming we would change our name to Hobo down to Hobo #5 for fun.

  5. Yea... Please don't troll on such a situation this can cause some trouble soo before more trolls come i will be closing this thread.


  6. pretty much, But still many of the people that is doing this is our own members. I will talk tot each of the individuals that was named. If they are to continue their punishment will be awaiting them.

  7. well clearly you don't understand that theres people thats on the internet that takes this seriously. Can you not be kind to understand that?

  8. sir, many people cannot handle jokes . We would appreciate if people would kindly stop as you can see that their joke is going abit to far, Seriously if u guys don't stop your punishment will be handle within the time we are notified.

  9. soo.. why was this posted here :o this is the sub-clan section ima move it to general~

    Also, i see why not 100 post? it shows how active and social they are with the clan C: though theres usually people spamming threads just to get to 100 post lol

  10. The reason !rules was probally removed was because people abuse them to get around the auto mute every round because when they do !rules when the round begins they respawn right away and they are unmuted. I'd be fine if there was a way that keeps them dead and not respawn them when they use it at the beginning. :3

  11. well, they're in jb most the time due to how troublesome it gets within the server. The server is 55 slots im guessing? and its usually full during the afternoon meaning it needs quite a bit of mods/admin within there to handle free killing and such, But yeh im sure theres sometimes mods in surf like papi and blu. But yeh abit more mods could tryout surf sometimes :3 because recently when i play jb some mods don't really do much in there.