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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. sir i must remind you that you are forgetting 1 important thing.. Wheres the Steamid!!! AHHHH

    But otherwise.. i say mods and admin can watch this person... if i was there i would have banned him myself due to how disrespectful he is when he doesn't get what he wants, due to how i was using the name Hobo Representing my Hobo nation (if you would like to join take a look at my thread under sub clan :3) and he was constantly talking over warden and noone could hear the warden. So i muted him than he said to me "unmute me! you can't keep me muted for this long" and so than i continue and said "sure i can" :3 and told him he kept talking over warden... than he says *raging stuff*

  2. Newcomers who would like to join xG & have made an application so that they may join, you're not in just yet.

    We accept / deny players based on the vouches they gain or lose given by our community as a whole. Every newcomer needs at least 5 - 10 vouches depending on which division you have applied for, if you are under the age of 16 those vouches must include vouches from a moderator or from an admin/division leader otherwise they will not be accepted.


    Vouches - Do&don't(s).


    Alright I would like to say some things about vouching. Vouching is a great way to deal with newcomers because it helps us see what the player is like by the member's point of view.

    This helps us keep the clan good and running with great members who help support the clan and helps us get rid of troll/disrespectful players.


    Currently - the vouching system to be accepted works like this.




    Counterstrike: Source Division

    * If 16 or over:

    • 10 Vouches from xG community.

    * If under 16:

    • 10 Vouches from xG community (Including) needed vouches from proper moderators/admins/divisional leaders.


    Counterstrike: Global Offensive

    * If 16 or over:

    • 4 Vouches from xG community.

    * If under 16:

    • 4 Vouches from xG community (Including) needed vouches from proper moderators/admins/divisional leaders.


    Garry's Mod

    * If 16 or over:

    • 4 Vouches from xG community, or 2 vouches from the divisional leaders of GMOD

    * If under 16:

    • 4 Vouches from xG community (Including) needed vouches from proper moderators/admins/divisional leaders, or 2 vouches from the divisional leaders of GMOD


    Team Fortress 2

    * If 16 or over:

    • 5 Vouches from xG community.

    * If under 16:

    • 5 Vouches from xG community (including) vouches from moderator/admins/divisional leaders.

    Nuclear Dawn

    * If 16 or over:

    • 1 Vouch from xG community.

    * If under 16:

    • 1 Vouch from xG moderator/admins/divisional leaders.






    I also would like to place some rules about vouching because it's difficult counting up on vouches because the confusing posts people have been posting, this includes when players -1 without a good reason.

    And +1 based off of reasons insufficient with our means of proper vouching.


    [Vouching - Yes&No's]

    You should vouch for a player if:

    • You've played with him/her.
    • You are apart of that division - represent!
    • And obviously if you want them apart of us!


    You shouldn't vouch for a player if:

    • You haven't played with him/her.
    • You're not a member of XenoGamers - sorry, but we need our communities voice.
    • You have no idea how this person acts/plays within our servers/community.



    How to properly vouch

    Here is where I'll explain how to vouch for a player, and what to do&not do.

    When vouching +1/-1s for any applicant - you should at least have these following reasons:


    • Is he/she active? Or not.
    • Does he/she listen to rules or admin directive when given? Or disrespect & break rules?
    • Is he/she fun? Or way too obsessed with his/her scoreboard?


    We want cool, relaxed members - not try-hard douche-bags, so,

    When vouching +1's - we don't need things like "Good warden, cool guy or good player" by it's self - we are not a skill based community.


    As well. You should only -1 if at least the above requirements are met & based off at least the three reasons above - not if you hate the person, or based from skill. Do not -1 an application due to the reason "He/she asked for +1's" etc. Your vouch will be considered invalid and not count. (4/22/2012)



    Tips for getting vouches/ quicker answer to your Application


    As many of you see we're a popular community and have many applications to deal with. Sometimes so many come in & we lose track of who is looking to get in, pushing theirs to the bottom, but there is a easy way to fix this and help us both, and that is "bump" your thread. Simply by posting "bump" - doing this will bring your thread to the top of the list so we can notice & respond! :D


    Another tip is if you are in need of more vouches why not join one of our servers with members and play with them. Get to know them than send them to your app and ask if they could vouch for you. This will help you get enough vouches to get in.


    Hope you like these tips :).

  3. mhm, depending on age if ur -1 ur going to need 2 or 3 mods as one of the vouches, Also a tip to make it easier for the both of us try "Bumping" Your thread as in post Bump so than it would be at the top of the list so we can see it.

  4. Congrats! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!



    Sorry for the long wait, there are many other applications that we wait for vouches and sometime we forget about others.. So to help us mind if u bumping the thread once everyday when you think you have enough vouches.? thnx

  5. hmmm... We may take this into consideration since i've seen many Ct's do this even if they are not warden.. But for now all i can say is noone can rtv the map until a certain amount of time is passed. But we'll discuss this with the others and see what they think first sounds good?

  6. well same problem happends to me. So i logged out and it updated.. idk why? but yeh than i logged back in still didn't work i log out again than i get this thing saying Steam syncin or somewhat... So yea.. I left it like that for like an hour or so while i was outside and come back it was still there so i exited it and relogged and tried css or somewhat again and it worked.. But there is many problem like this but its hard to find a solution.

  7. hey duckii thats acctualy true whether it was u or duckii jr all i know is that everyone has our own problems some are just harder to control.

    Confused what you are trying to say since i have no clue who u are.

  8. lol i was pretty sure we all were jokin around xD didnt know why someone would make a ban request off this lol!, i was just gunna post a video of a speeding serb and me constantly killing him :D, But yeh we Were all joking so... No use of this thread
