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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. hmmm just putting this in there , might as well watch meow just incase, cause i get spammed though im usually asleep about meow and how he always talk over warden /trying to take warden, and freekills without slaying himself. And hes usually on during the night.

  2. Im sorry for all the problems i caused many of you, i will stay just for you guys. I have been dumb this whole day and couldn't think straight so i apoligize for it, so i hope you guys forgive me for everything i did today and than we can move foward and forget about all of this. But 1 thing i ask of many of you is to give everyone atleast a chance. But yeh im sorry for all the problems if you guys don't mind... ima delete the thread about netex so than we can forget about it since it containted alot of hate.

  3. indeed... i see no proof , there is nothing i can use to ban him. If he was freekilling i would probally have been told. anyways... No proof quit fighting.


  4. mkay, hes now being banned, hes a constantly troller and will try to use aegean as a defence or get aegean to demote any mod he hates. Hf for now im banning for a day and when aegean is on i will discuss this issue with him.

  5. +1 from me too.






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    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


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    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com

  6. hmm... i guess you may be unban for a second chance, but if u decide to advertise another clan or their server you'll be banned with no lift :)