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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. Duckii

    xJawz Unban

    Never i Believe in second chances on what i think of them , And I know what i am doing but if they lose there chance there ban is not going to be lifted again.
  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  3. Duckii

    xJawz Unban

    well we might just give him and others who want to leave that clan to be unbanned.
  4. mkay we'll think about removing the guns and you got to get your own guns.
  5. i don't mean changing the type of game but what should be change to make the surf deathmatch better >_> we had a rotation noone really played on it
  6. Alright Guys , We need some suggestions on what to do with Surf Deathmatch to make it harder and fun to play on because how it is now it doesn't seem to fun for many of the players so if u have any suggestions please respond to the thread and we'll see what we'll do with the server and change it up a bit to make it much BETTER! :D My suggestions would probally be that we should make it harder for players to earn exp and have a monthly or so reset :) , Do u agree ? or should there be more to be add? We would Really Appreciate if you wanna help us out to make the server much Better :) Thnx for your time.
  7. Duckii

    xJawz Unban

    donate thnx , But we're srry that u were banned from the server but first before i am to decide are u helping / With illminum? answer that, srry but it was not only u that was banned but anyone with in the illminum steam group so just answer that question first.
  8. Duckii

    xJawz Unban

    why are u showing respect to a aweful clan? this clan has members going around spamming other clans server >_> , Thats the only way they could probally grow is by stealing members of another clan and probally giving admin to people who recruits and populate the server. If your going to show respect to them i don't think u will be unbanned.
  9. first off please don't make a thread for a map if u don't have a link to it, So please get a link to the map . thnx
  10. Duckii

    Map making

    its easy to learn just get source sdk and you can use that program to make maps , But i suggest u go watch some tutorial on how to get started because if ur new to it you won't know how to make much since its a pretty complicated program lol
  11. shep i hope ur not in that clan.... They're clan is being banned from our server because they're just a disgraceful clan as silence said since they have been spamming there clan in multiply clan servers >_>
  12. Duckii

    xJawz Unban

    its not that u were multi clanning it was because u were with illumin steam group or whatever , All member that are within their steam group was perma banned from our clan, And it did not ruin our clan we just don't want them advertising within our servers, Also if u werent accepted why were u wearing their tag?
  13. Duckii


    first off u were bann for having our clan tag and u were not in our clan , Also i have alrdy asked u to take that clan tag of long ago why would u still wear it ?
  14. thatsn ot a course map ahah , Mabe Officee?
  15. well im sorry but Admins don't usually take action unless seeing evidence of them actually doing it srry >_<
  16. Duckii

    Crazy Unban

    well we'll see what we do
  17. how about instead of actually watching them do this record them report them with steam id's and follow template than we'll handle it, People need to understand instead of makin these threads about freekillers and need someone on now , just make a ban report with proof and steam id so we can actually see this happen and we'll perma bann them >_>
  18. There is Ice stab which can freeze the player even if they have invincibility they are frozen at spawn, If you want any rule change just point out the rule and tell us what to change it to or add any rules and we'll think about it.
  19. lol this just for entertainment? im just saying we don't really need this , its just going to put more work on to us than we really need.
  20. well than the ban report section would be filled everyday practically and most those banned people isn't going to protest , So i see no use of this we can just see the ban length and by who within the soureban but if they are needed for questions of a ban protest they'll probally answer on forum , So i see no use.
  21. thats pratically a ban report lol thats just gunna add more work if each ban is long they have to post it?
  22. gramm.... thats showing u as a bad person >_> don't want someone unban because of there pic?... well shook you were only banned for 30 minute for Mic spamming
  23. Duckii

    Admins need school

    well than good luck finding a teacher x3 also silence will decide who is the new division ldr or not so don't keep saying that you should be the division ldr lol
  24. you know of the old ones but once u choose one theres different way's u can play them as example knife fight ... U can either choose Drunken knife fight , normal , ect