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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. I didn't mean to make this a meme. I really had bacon cheese fries from real bacon bits and real shredded cheese from real french fries
  2. That's pretty stupid. I really have to say that is a dumb reason to get demoted. If you honestly have that name, why should you get demoted? You had it BEFORE you were promoted, and you were promoted to moderator on this name. Why admin? I don't want to offend the demoting admin, but come on, that is a violation of his ability to his own free will. NOBODY CARES about him having a Jr. in his name. It should be up to Duckii, not anyone else. Who has complained that it makes the clan look bad or any other reason?
  3. I had some. They were delicious. Then they look like someone puked on a plate.
  4. :o how could i forget llama
  5. g00n: yes, she has an easy gag reflex (no sexual innuendo, please) that makes her puke at least 1-2 times a week in the morning. Only a little bit though. serbian: I guess I was dehydrated, but I have been drinking water, and it made it feel better! But now my muscles hurt and I took an asprin. Gary: Thanks for the advice, but it was just dehydration Jay Breeze: Thanks bro. I lol'd.
  6. Ok guys. I feel better! I just needed some water at a steady pace. I feel all better now :D
  7. I realized I was unique. Almost like from another world.
  8. Damn it, I only have sparkling cranberry Dx. I know my basic pH scale, I'll try.
  9. It's a two way thing. For mods and to thank those who made me smile :)
  10. Neither is Ninjew, Snoopy, or Aram. I just wanted to mention you for making me smile :D
  11. I want to thank Silence and the other mods/admins/division leaders/co-owners in the clan. You are the reason we can actually have an organized clan. Some of you have many different traits which makes this clan diverse and amazing. I just enjoy talking to some of you, and I want to make an honorable mentions list to everyone in this clan/was in this clan that made me smile: Silence Aegean Duckii Llama Ashley Arthman Excision Aram Shikaku Ero_Sennin Serbian Selby (The ****nit) Callim Snoopy Ninjew Herpes Derpes Jay Breeze And last but not least, Rabid Turtle, who is going to be my brother eventually <3
  12. Thanks for the advice, and congrats on the promotion btw! I think my mom bought cranberry juice today, but 7Up usually works, but this is a different story. I'll have some because I love cranberry juice :D I don't have fish D:
  13. Ah, I'll get better. I just might skip tomorrow for crosscountry camp. I only have to go 4/5 days.
  14. Yeah. I just threw up again :/. I guess I really can't have anything today.
  15. I don't vote myself because I was a hesitant admin and got proof first.
  16. Thanks guys. I have had some water and 7-UP, no problems yet. It might be going away...I still have an odd feeling in my stomach, so not completely better.
  17. Otherworldly

    New Name

    Change it to Jay Breeze.
  18. No blood. I have had dry heaves where I literally puke NOTHING but I am puking. Thanks :)
  19. Otherworldly

    Hey Guys...

    I'm am in a very odd situation right now. I am getting a gag reflex at the slightest eating or drinking of any product. I cannot maintain sleep, and I sometimes even I have a 'dry heave' I've puked at least 6 times today and I am not really happy about it. My toilet is covered in puke, and half of my bathroom. I just want to let you know if I run away from the computer if I play today, it is because of this gag reflex problem. This actually may be a trait I am developing from my mom, where she gets a quick reacting gag reflex, and pukes some mornings for no reason. No prayers or sympathy necessary, but they are welcome. It's very frustrating I can't even drink water or eat one cracker without puking. I can't even go to sleep if I ate or drank something. I am trying to slowly drink a 7-Up. It seems to be working the best so far...
  20. Ok, It was at 12 in the morning with no material in sight, considering the odd grammar problem.
  21. Ok, I don't understand if I made this clear enough... I put former/current mods up there I thought of the mods/admin randomly, so don't whine if you aren't up there I still said you could get voted in through replying in the thread. Just because I DIDN'T put you there doesn't mean I don't like you.
  22. Yeah, anyone with an administration part, I added.
  23. Don't be offended if I didn't put your name up there, I thought of random names. Just put their name if I didn't. Polls can only have 10 options