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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. You base this off of 5 major things: Ability to do job, seriousness about job, mistake rate, good with players, and maturity. Please post a name if I forgot. I can only do 10 for a poll, so yeah.
  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Some people are just very entertained by a simple joke that may not be as funny to others, that's not really immature, it's just a trait of a person. I know laughing into the mic is a thing that can be annoying, but when people talk, sometimes they are used to holding down that key...
  3. Otherworldly


    Very major troll. Was cool, then turned into a total *** right before my eyes.
  4. Define annoying. Honestly, what if someone had a vocal problem? We can't judge someone by their voice...if they have a horrible mic, that's another story. I can honestly say that I have a problem with an non-xG member that has a highpitched voice and attempts to be a CT. However, if I know they are mature, I have no problem with it. I know this seems hypocritical maybe, but still, this is my opinion.
  5. It's not so much age is of a concern. There are a lot of people who have deep voices but are even more immature then a 12 year old boy. For example, I am 13, and really haven't done anything to harm this clan or it's members, and have a deeper voice then the average for my age, but there are older members, with maturer voices, who have. It's a matter of kicking people out who do not act like a mature human. And if little kids fake their age, sometimes it is because they think that even though they might be better then the average 16 year old, they might get turned down for a high voice. Still, they shouldn't. I understand your reasoning, but it may seem like it is only kids for you. I have met quite a select few of characters in this clan, and they usually aren't that mature. Some of them are gone now (not rabid, not shikaku) I think what should be done is a vote of maturity based on a vote placed by the admins of XenoGamers.
  6. Otherworldly


    You didn't have to look at it, regardless of what section it was in. You lose because it was YOUR choice to look.
  7. It wasn't going to be portrayed as good as I thought. Since my dad lurks reddit alot, he'll probably post it there. It was night, but basically I guess some of the words in the song do make sense. It should have probably been Harold Camping doing the rickrolling, but still, I like it, it makes me laugh even though it is random. Thanks for the comments :)
  8. Did it about the rapture
  9. Purely said why it was an example.
  10. nononon. Hipsters are people who take the time to BE different. He is actually doing whatever the hell he wants and doesn't try to NOT fit in or not fit it. Hipsters will avoid Black Ops because it's mainstream. He won't give two damns and play it anyway. (as a blunt example)
  11. Pokemon is from the weirdest country on the planet that made a lot of weird crap and fetishes I will never understand: Japan.
  12. I hate the thought of failure, or breaking the rules.
  13. He actually doesn't give a **** about anything. He stopped wearing sweatshirts. He isn't a hipster, he hates hipsters. He is himself, he is just horrible being himself though. The reason they like him is because he doesn't act like a tough meathead and just does whatever the hell he wants. He's also unique, just bad considering some of the stuff he does that makes him 'unique'.
  14. dont rejoin xG and I say ok.
  15. Otherworldly

    My vacation!

    Sup man! Havin' fun?
  16. Otherworldly

    My Brother

    Rate 1-10 with comments on how to do better in life! Notes you should know! He's 12 He wears sweatshirts when it is ninety ****ING FIVE OUTSIDE He gets swarmed with chicks He talks about bagels constantly Contrary to popular belief, he does NOT do drugs and/or surf. He is my brother. 18 months younger.
  17. I don't really SEE those as useful skills...and working for Intel...at 19? Bad skills -1
  18. How about none because everyone has a different use for a cellphone and just comparing them is stupid