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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Otherworldly


    Hit the request button at the top, and click on 'Ban Request' It's a glitch.
  2. He probably saw everyone type !guard and he sheeped into it.
  3. Rexx, first of all, you can't even vouche for anything related of ejecting or accepting into xG. Don't do it. Second of all, Lt. Chaz does have a somewhat squeaky voice, but he can overall be cool. No proof.lolol
  4. Connection, attempting to reach. Error. Cannot reach. Error Message: Does not compute.
  5. It's called being biased. We CANNOT trust anyone on their word. A LOT of people tend to complain about something and act extremely moronic. xG members included. I understand if a mod or higher couldn't see the situation, they won't do it. More people also does not cover the fact that it will be true. It works in the same way, mods cannot be biased about the situation, that means trusting xG members. And if you don't like that, go download Fraps, get some Source Recorder binds, and put that screenshot button close.
  6. I hope no one leaves in the future <3
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsPvlygBMVI Yeah, yeah, it's not super great. I have bad taste, blah, blah. QQ more, but this is the song that plays in my head when a great member leaves. <3 Good luck, the leaving members of xG, past and present.
  8. D: My name isn't up there but I'll miss ya.
  9. Admin's can't keep an eye on everything. I've been there. It's nothing 'fun and powerful' It's a stressful job, very stressful. Anything you could do wrong may happen and you can't get introuble. Mods CANNOT get everything.
  10. bump. I lol'd when this got more responses about the thing and sarcasm. I did the same exact thing before you and all I got were people hating on MLP: FIS.
  11. Mod's aren't picking and I was just reiterating what Aegean put out there.
  12. It's for a LOT of people. I understand it, but even though you may have been with the clan for a while, it's how long you are IN the clan, to my knowledge.
  13. May I point out that if you didn't read what Aegean said, let me say it again. IF YOU ARE BRAND NEW DO NOT SIGN UP Come on! If you signed up anytime within June, that's pretty new...
  14. Some of the people I knew were going to sign up did. mfw I saw the thread at first: Only because I knew some of the people in this clan were going to do. I'm not implying anything...lol.
  15. Name: Otherworldly/ RL Name: Sean X. Dundon Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16904283 Age: 13, very close to 14 Gender: Male How long you have been in xG: Since Feburary 17th, 2011. That is at least 4 months time. Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I have had moderator experience as an xG member, and I know my way around Source enough to know what I might be doing, with the exception of coding. I run servers from time to time on a listen server, and I can maintain order well enough, even with low traffic. I have moderated DarkRP servers, about 2, and one Sandbox server on Garry's Mod. Why do you want to be a co-leader: To be honest, I really think that I can cause some change in this clan for the better good, but only at the consent of the community, not as a behalf of myself and my opinions only. I want to help this clan, and this is my shot. I know I may be younger, and I may not be as educated as well as others, and I may not have gotten above admin, but I have a chance to sign up and I want to go into the stressful job this consists of. How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I have lots more time then other people, maybe not when I enter high school, but I usually can find time to help this community. I will do my best to preserve the sanity, the security, and the reputation this clan needs and will have if it doesn't already. I will make sure I will be hesitant in making decisions as a co-leader, even to somewhere as a slay, I will look over the rules and only do it at the correct times with enough proof. I will ensure our clan keeps up with what we have going on. I also have some ideas I would put out the clan as needed. Anything else you want to add: To be honest, I may end up being very hesitant and ask Silence about something, but I will try my hardest not to. I believe that I can alone act on what is RIGHT, what is SANE, and what will preserve the fun and security of our CLAN.
  16. Probably shouldn't anyway, but I'll ask around. Why not give it a shot?
  17. This guy! I'll be there tomorrow! I really miss you guys and I can't wait to play with you all on JB! Going to Sea World right now :)
  18. Otherworldly

    my apology

    I forgive you :)
  19. We should have to write a 10 sentence paragraph about the vouch, so we can't have a stupid "LOL VOUCHE BECAUSE HE LIKES TACOS
  20. Dude, just chill. :) We aren't trying to make you feel under pressure. If you do, I'm at least sorry.
  21. No. Ts will not like this, I agree with Selby.
  22. Otherworldly


    stupid arthman, now we'll have to amputate.