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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Otherworldly


    Well, if Silence banned you, it must mean he had a reason to. He doesn't go around handing them out like candy (bad analogy, somewhat) There must have have been something with him just getting sick of you. To be honest, I really don't know the situation, even after I read it. I somewhat know you, but still, if Silence banned you, something must have happened.
  2. :3 ohai Rainbow Dash
  3. ^banned for even caring. BTW, I don't play with ponies. I merely watch the show and adore them.
  4. Going on Facebook Going on Xenogamers.org Go on all the Garry's Mod related websites. Giving advice to kids my age that need it. Being a philosopher and spreading my philosophy. NOT going on /b/ Making music for the hell of it, very mediocre Watching 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' on special occasions. Learning something new ... That enough for you?
  5. Otherworldly


    Zehdari went to Illumin, then left Illumin about 2 weeks later. He is now riding solo and not getting in contact with anyone.
  6. Yeaahh...Shikaku did have original ownership.
  7. ^Banned for not getting accepted the first time :3
  8. Thank you Sprinkles :3
  9. I can agree, talking over people is a major interference and people should stop being so immature with it.
  10. He quit for the following reasons He didn't like being treated like **** from the randoms whenever they needed a mod/admin He got sick of Jailbreak, so he didn't want to play much anymore, considering it's a core part. Pretty much sums it up. That's what I know.
  11. Cursing isn't a problem to me, but even just calling some stupid because they made a bad point is a really invalid piece of debate on the offenders part.
  12. If I learned anything in my logic and reasoning class, it's the following Please, if you are going to have logical arguments on the forums, DO NOT insult each other no matter how mad you are. This invalidates your argument and shows that you are failing to actually grasp a full on amount of reasoning. You are being blinded by rage instead of actually trying to get the points out. This also shows you are fully incapable of being mature and you have to resort to insulting people in order to accomplish the argument. Here is an example of a bad argument Person 1: Oh this f**king retard killed me in Jailbreak! Person Accused: You are so stupid and you need to stop talking s**t about me you f**king ******!!! Horrible. I just hate seeing this...everyday...on and off the forums. If you don't want to take this into consideration, you can disagree and call it a day. As you can see, I hardly attack people unless I am having a HORRIBLE day. This is why I don't have enemies in xG. Yes, this is from the 13 year old who probably doesn't know a thing about arguing, but I studied a little and I know this is true.
  13. lol. I don't know how that is possible.
  14. 1+ For being generally not a ****.
  15. Two things. This isn't the place for putting proof of rule breaking, you put that in the ban requests or member protests depending on the case. Second of all, that isn't complete evidence to what you said. We don't know if that was another attempt, we don't know if he was just running around and happened to be there, and we don't know that Nivek was telling him to stop.
  16. Command and Conquer, the ones NOT on Steam, basically anything before Generals.
  17. -1 for the given reason,
  18. Here is a basic 'if, then' statement in the Lua scripting language. //local age = 13 //if age < 20 then //----Msg("You cannot enter! You are not old enough!\n") //else //----Msg("You are old enough to enter!\n") The dashes mean spaces and the lines are to represent the current script.