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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. us higher ups.
    Im a div for minecraft. Dont try to exclude me from the higher ups. Dunno if this ban resuqest applies to mc. o.o

    Anyway, as this has gone WAYYYY to wrong, I'll close this untill @Aegean! , @@silence , @@Starbuck or @serbianbelavuk do something

    ~sealed with bedrock untill further actions have been taken

  2. Yesterday he kicked everyone from the minecraft server also..
    that wasnt rabid. I actualy had to restart the server so i said rabid kicked all. 2nd, You should check the MOTD before joining just to see if there's new rules.

    Ill get rabid to tell me the things etc etc and i'll judge from there

  3. JackSparrow's ban protest[/url] . and everybody deserves a second chance in my opinion.

    Second off, Ban request denied, rules werent updated on that matter, (now they are) cristo got his shit back blah blah blah.

    ~Sealed with bedrock

  4. first, Let me clear this. Even if duke get's div leader on MC, he doesnt get to reban people that I unbanned.

    Second, Im adding the potion thing to the MOTD. Telling you right now, Potions will get you banned for 2days to 1 week depending on what the person lost.

    "Banned for being benefital"

    That, He gets people in the server, He's friendly with new players which doesnt make them leave 2 secs after they joined.

    That is why i unbanned him.