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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. have you dled something special before you tried to play? Might be the cause. Other wise it's Or File corruption (Reinstalling things should work) Or A virus that is preventing you from using too much memory to keep it working
  2. Arthman

    Hi, im Oreo :3

    It's Oreo!!!! welcome aboard
  3. im in. Im a Sniper/quickscoper
  4. Arthman

    Mic checks

    How about for the Freeday they'd have to wait for cell to Open AUTO and Errr... and all CT they would all stay in armory
  5. Arthman

    no time limit?

    I vote for the AK idea.
  6. Arthman


    he's a good guy. he didnt do something Big like freekilling and stuff. since when a bit of mic usage kill people?
  7. Arthman

    xG JB Map

    so if i make one i just dont spam xG all around right?
  8. Arthman

    xG JB Map

    I was thinking about something. It seems xG doesnt have their OWN map. Im thinking about making one. Would it be a good idea?
  9. Other than the advertise , The video's great. Offtopic: Is there a map MADE by xG?
  10. being an admin, Couldnt you do something? Im just wondering.
  11. Arthman

    Meow :3

    Oh Wow XD Edison it must Be broken.
  12. Arthman


    terribad. On topic: Terribad. The first thing i said was : Wait what!?!? everybody's russian?
  13. I recommend him for being awesome.
  14. your right on that one.. It was wrong to try to get him banned. i just took it too seriously. After all it's a game right?
  15. Arthman

    Meow :3

    edison. Do you have BAWLS OF STEEL?
  16. well i say that if a CT is not doing something productive he should get slayed/switched (switched is a better idea with !guard Scrip)
  17. that's not what it seemed when he said it the first time. after that he explained himself but the first time he sounded serious as fuck
  18. infact Distance isnt the point. CT should alway have at least 1 t in sight.
  19. Kaka's Here to Defend other people. that's Nice. On topic: for now i request close on this thread untill more problems happen. That's only a thread to say something people on the server had to say. The only part that was from me is the racist part. Not usefull thread.
  20. he's not "mean" He's being racist. He freekills. And thus did you just say im 13? Want ID? ---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ---------- Oh and fair I quote "No French people On this server" If that's not racism what is it. If you prove me that's not racism then i shall apologies.
  21. Im talking for the player in the server that doesnt go on the website. If you'd ask them they would say Fair Freekilled ALOT
  22. I dont even like him. He's mean to me
  23. Players SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177830 Players IP: (If you have this.) Players Nick Name/In-Game Name: Fair Enough sir Your Name: Arthman Reason why: Heavy freekill, Racism agaisnt people that speaks other than english and Disrespect
  24. Hey Don't Blame me . English is not my main language.