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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. because spoons do not kill. and the guy is a ghost.
  2. Arthman

    Shikaku's Thoughts

    22: Torture people that do not listen to rule
  3. Arthman

    Admin Problem

    Offtopic : What's the Muble iP i cant seem to find it D: on topic : admin right now are great. They should be a bit more active tho.
  4. Arthman


    They dont just pick it up. It's like the server doing it AUTO when you auto select
  5. No it should Not. Xenogamers is a PC clan as Ssullly stated but also, Not many people the SAME console.
  6. Arthman

    Well darn

    I've Once got VAC banned for using GameBooster because my computer used to suck. then i bough CSS back. And gave steroid to my computer. and for Bhop, It's Easy to learn, Only alot of training.
  7. Arthman

    Shikaku's demands!

    Well I would CERTAINLY get the app on Touch. would make it easier for me to check the news :D
  8. nipper house is Fun as hell. <3 the skins
  9. +1 vote for first one. Second one is a -1 (look AWFULL) and the third is a +1 (no reason)
  10. I dont think closing Nipper house's a good idea because it's a good server (Not active but still)
  11. Arthman

    Admin Problem

    Personaly, I'd reccomend to take admin in Europe also. Because europe is +6 hours they can be on sooner in the morning
  12. 2 . 1000 is CLOSER NOW!!!
  13. Arthman


    me, even if im not admin, i make freekiller, rule breaker and more Slay themself or shut the hell up. that's call making people think you are one. I never say i am one. i alway say i am not. but they listen.
  14. well he muted me for no reason XD (he didnt want to RTV and i did RTV day) He unmuted me 2 sec after. It was funny.
  15. i will! no seriously. I wake up at 3 PM when i sleep. Otherwise i simply dont sleep during summer :D
  16. summer? morning!?! you mean 2PM+ right?
  17. Rebeib Is my friend. I think he's a funny guy and all that.. Next time i see silence ill tell him to do what required to get that fella back in xG servers
  18. Nickname is one of the best admin i know. personaly i prefer shepard but that's another story
  19. it's easier to see the one rebelling I.E somebody with Usp
  20. Indeed it would, mr Nazi. but SUPER GORE would be better.
  21. Arthman

    A word from shikaku

    that's an achievement !!!
  22. kennY, More ct with mic = More spam at begining only for warden.
  23. i know that vid.. The funniest part is at the end. SUPER GORE EDITION
  24. Arthman

    Ct banned?

    I know Zehdari. He's not a freekiller.