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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    A lil present.

    Frigging sweet. I'll be using it probably.
  2. Well How about we stop this DDoSing BS. DDosing is not fun. You Block somebody's internet.(Happened to me and i didnt like it but it's okay , I deserved it XD) So If you DDoS, you probably lose respect from People. exept for trevor....
  3. so duckii. Can you Get this good Fella on CT side?
  4. Arthman

    Free hat giveaway

    Username: [xG] Arthman [Angel] Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39527804 What Pack you want: Hat 2 Extra: (such as I LUV U ZEHDARI) You know me Bro. And ill rape you. <3
  5. He did nothing wrong. Only tried to play a game on map. He should get Unbanned
  6. ^^^ I stated in my post. I can bet he didnt read the Motd
  7. well Today , MULTIPLE time, I had to get admin because he freekilled, And also Disrespected xG Member. this fella should NOT be Permd but should at LEAST get a 2-3 day Ban so he thinks about what he say to OTHER MEMBERS. people probably didnt like it on Mumble that i had to ask about every hour for admin. He Only act like an *** when admin are not on. ANd for VID, My Fraps (and ALL recorder) is effed up. Only records MY VOICE. So i cant get the proof. But Deff req a ban (temp or perm) AND for tarracota. Me and Zeh didnt freekill. Deal with it.Jpeg and also YOur a troll. You talk over warden. Steal kills. Freekill also. Dont listen to rules. And obviously didnt read motd. It's READ MOTD OR GET KICK. So better get at it kid. tell edison what you want. Me and Zeh Got people to back us up to say we didnt freekill. But the same people will also say that YOU , My good sir, Freekill.
  8. silence, THat's cheating !
  9. Arthman

    18 year old ID

    If it wasnt because of my Effed Up cam, I'd Give you my Driver liscence. ---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ---------- Maybe that Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_femhrxbNtS0/S-_087WQ4EI/AAAAAAAAF2Y/G43rhUer3CQ/s1600/mexican_bad-fake-id.jpg Or that Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://d2rny1g0aeqcy9.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Tao.jpg
  10. I Vouche for him. He's awesome.
  11. better be a joke. I like kaka.
  12. He did!?!?!? ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!!?
  13. i said world war 3 FOOL. it's like which one is better: HALO or CALL OF DUTY
  14. you two ruined half a page. With your comments.
  15. *raise hand for cookie* I WANT ONE TOO D: Ontopic: Chris is awesome. End of story
  16. canada. Because here we have health care. because here we have Cheap Electricity. because herewe speak 2 language (quebec) Offtopic: You started WWIII
  17. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/1007/46925990.jpg' alt='46925990.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us/[/img] that's me. Hope it work
  18. why dont you unban him yourself?
  19. Arthman

    Chaos !!!!!

    Thanks Zeus. Finaly support. the story is that yesterday I sent ALL t's in ISOLATION and one rebeled. CT KEPT door spamming. I went in to clearly see then POOF They Shut door Close on me and i cant get out. Result; Lost round.
  20. Arthman


    Personaly, I like Kaka. He's a nice guy. If you do not provoke him or anything , He can even be AWESOME. And about the age. FUCK OFF. Age dont matter. Now please stop acting like kids.
  21. Ask before slaying -_- i've been slayed for doing what other warden does and they go away with it. (when i say ask, I obviously mean ask why did they kill the person etc.)
  22. shikaku, llama will escape again. better be ready.
  23. Arthman

    Meme thread

    lead to 4chan, help?
  24. well im up for a tryout.