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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. silence, Take down the insurgency server.. Ill pay you for the month whenever i get the chance but if you keep it up, I got a crap load of debts so... Cant really trust me for Monthly paying (IK IT"S THE WRONG PLACE BUT EH IM LAZY)
  2. seems Good. +1 from me. (Pshht if you get IN the clan, Think about joining xG:R so that ct fear you)
  3. +1 This guy should get the HECK in here
  4. Arthman

    xG trusted

    In game name:[xG] Arthman Fav. Server: Jailbreak Fav. Admin/mod: You , SHikaku Only because you troll. Why you should be accepted:know the Motd and also been here for awhile (NOT COUNTING THE BREAK I TOOK)
  5. i Vouche ++++ he's a good guy< when he listen
  6. I pretty much knew when he left. He told me before.
  7. Arthman

    Rift Free Trial !

    Ill take it if you dont mind But how big is rift? (GB?)
  8. Your in-game name: Arthman Your real name: Marc Age: 18 How long have you been playing CSS: About a year or so but i quit playing from time to time Your favorite game: Css For sure Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: Knowing Motd Almost by heart? Is it good enough?
  9. Arthman

    mackey unban

    Multiple Offences, THat's the reason
  10. he have Witnesses. But they wont speak by fear of getting killed
  11. Silence?!?!?!? Hell NO! If he cant handle 20+ T's and end up killing them all WHY WOULD HE TEACH OTHER TO DO SO? -_- PS: A tip. Never compare Silence to the Fuhrer. he dislikes it :3
  12. Arthman

    My promo xD

    @ Selby. THat's a bit too late. Ontopic : Gratz on promotion. Now go manage Surf server :D
  13. Arthman

    Admins on JB

    TrueHell. The problem is that Most message i receive are complaints, Not that i dont like to receive them... I just dont like to change servers. But when i do God Know Shits get solved
  14. Arthman

    Admins on JB

    admin is hard... I get called EVERY 10 minutes
  15. yet SHikaku had muted me. And unmuted johnny. COuldnt Do ****, He's a rank higher than mine.
  16. get him back in... Maybe in Probation Or something? If he says he's gonna change He should have a second chance. Like some other did
  17. try rejoining. Jdubz was able.. Otherwise put it in Ban protest and ill vouche.
  18. Arthman


    Tsk tsk tsk,, That what happen when you Download Tentacle Hentai
  19. Well Pretty much it's Because of your SODMG thing. Most people disliked you as a CLAN
  20. Arthman

    What I think about you

    What do you think about me?
  21. GET PC! (Or reformat. Which ever you want)
  22. Arthman


    Wtf. Yet No admin unban you?.... Ill try to get you unbanned , My good friend.