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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Oreo

  1. wait so you trading something completely useless for something not so useless!!!
  2. stop attempting to sql inject the website, it won't work
  3. Oreo

    Definition of Rape

    He had permission to enter the house though.
  4. Oreo

    Lost virginity

    didn't get it till the end
  5. At least your parents give you the opportunity to read, I was blinded and had my ears cut off for sleeping to early on a school night.
  6. Aegean DoubleButtAss EroSennin King J Oreo Duckii DuckiiJr. Serbian is old and fat
  7. its men skin care? unless your a lady
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djbEJpeNz6c&list=SPAA2D4B64DD6A099A&index=1&feature=plcp Seems gay, is gay, do the world a favor and stop being so ugly, this dude knows what hes talking about.
  9. Oreo


    ~FacePalm~ Worse than Zapper
  10. is that what you tell yourself when you die once for camping all game
  11. Oreo

    Guildwars 2

    Tengu Farming in Guildwars 1 LULXD
  12. Oreo

    Guildwars 2

    Arthman you've ruined so many things for me, don't ruin GuildWars 2
  13. @razec Maybe because I play scrim and tf2?
  14. The DeadBeats are at it again :D
  15. How would you know if i never changed, if i honestly never talk to you, and you never leave your teamspeak mancave
  16. ~ People I know : Aegean #WhiskeyDick2012 , Billy Mays, King J, Mad Scientist, Serbian, SkyDaddy, Klure, Ez-Kill, Turdwig, Haa-Dron, Deo-Date, CaucsnPikachu, tree, Gawd, and more Honestly it would take me a while to write all the names. ~ People that complain about me being a troll: Ganja, Duke, Chrono (Coincidence). ~ Why do I want to join XG? : Got to be official fo duh Ladies, in XG, for example Zainab, CrazyMan, Tarin, PuppyLuv<3 ~ Serious reason why I want to join XG: Look at my forum join date, I joined in April 2011, I quit maybe around December because of some bullshit people being annoying to me. Then I was div leader for Minecraft and was later demoted because I banned Silence for being a Kike, seems immature, but if you got harassed by Silence before its like being attacked by a monkey throwing fruit loops at your face 24/7, while singing korean songs. (Background) I want to join because I honestly want to get a little higher than xg member outcast because of Ganja who believes anyone that doesn't like him is a troll. Also, I wanted to maybe become a scrim moderator because I play scrim a lot and the only way to become a moderator in any of the servers is if you become a member. (scrim is fun, stop calling us scrimfags just cause we want to play something besides jailbreak for a few hours of our life, either way we are on xg servers)
  17. Oreo

    Unfair banning.

    Im so confused what that is, is that like a second asshole
  18. Your wiring is shit., l2 sort that shit out for easier air flow, I use a shitty 1980's box and have better looking insides than you, and a faster GPU, and CPU. Faggot
  19. I honestly, fucking hate your guts type !checkmate