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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. no idea where she is, all i know is that a flame war is coming so ima close this thread, i doubt anyone knows where she is though seeing as how she just up and left


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  2. not sure exactly, maybe 20-30 bucks or so (best guess), u could notify the police about it and make it known that u mean business and that ur not gonna let the ones who did it get away, considering the circumstances with the possible tarnishing of ur record, i dont see why the police wouldnt help u out, make sure u havent touched the ipad though, and that no one else touches the ipad, or else it would be compromised and the ppl might get off

  3. u could tell the teacher to search for ur fingerprints on the kids ipad, unless uve touched it before, u shouldnt have to worry about anything, and the kid who did it will have left fingerprints on it. if that doesnt work, say u were threatened with physical violence by the kid who did it, and that u were scared for ur life or that ud get hurt, ull prob get the police involved and the kid might shit his pants and/or deny it, which is what he'll likely do

  4. i say stick to what ur name is, ur lapis lazuli, a dye in minecraft, and ur avatar is the ore itself, mines serbian_bela_vuk, which is serbian white wolf, hence the wolves in my avatar and signature, i havent changed my name since, except for serbian_bela_snaga to serbian_bela_vuk

  5. american dad is a lot funnier than family guy simply because they dont use cutaway gags, and they have political humor in it as well which is funny if u understand it


    think of american dad like The Office, with a good script and jokes that u have to figure out yourself, and family guy as The Big Bang Theory, where a studiio audience tells u when to laugh

  6. it all depends on the non member whos vouching on someones mod app, if they were a valued member of xg and left on good terms, they are free to post their opinion on someones mod app, because they've earned that right even though they left the clan.


    if someone made multiple accounts to down vouche someone, its gonna be pretty obvious when it turns out that they all have 1 post on the mod app and that the emails are some bs name.


    if someone is trolling, then its pretty damn obvious that their vouches arent gonna count at all


    also, being inactive and leaving the clan are two different things, inactive is when u arent on the servers or forums or anything for a couple of weeks, leaving the clan is still being active and all but just leaving the clan



    SJ [xG] is stupid


    that about sums up why u were banned, u impersonated being a member of xg, were told 7 times to take the tag off, refused, then changed it right before u got banned to "ban me, u mad?", on top of that u disrespected the clan and ur lucky ur ban wasnt a week, since i wouldve been fine with that as well


    not abuse, u talked shit, provoked an admin and got into shit as a result (unsurprisingly), dealwithit.jpg


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  8. just ought to give my say in this, starbuck is running the nuclear dawn division and the servers, since its a new division, he is trying to get more ppl from ND to join xg, it would be pointless to make members applying from ND to have to get 10 vouches, which is why they need a lot less, just like how tf2 only needs 5 vouches, when they both get big enough that 10 vouches are easier to get is when the vouche requirement for tf2 and/or ND will be pushed up from 5 to 10 or 1 to 5 etc

  9. hmm, im not sure, hulk prob has the advantage in strength, superman can fly ultrafast and shoot lasers, but hes vulnerable based on how much sunlight he absorbs (the more the better, red sunlight fucks him up), hulk is vulnerable when hes still human, but im not sure if he can change instantly (based from what bruce banner said in the avengers movie, not gonna spoil it though), he gets stronger the more angry he gets though, cant fly and is susceptible to being deprived of oxygen or getting choked till hes knocked out

  10. this is by far the worst admin abuse thread ive ever seen, formats not even followed and this is in no way an admin abusing powers, cause theres nothing they could be abusing




    -sealed away in the last great time war


  11. u wont get a reply to it right away, so dont worry about not having anyone post on it yet, just be active on the servers, make urself known to the community and eventually ask for ppl to look at ur thread, dont ask them to +1 it though, cause it will bite u in the ass later

  12. plz tell me that u know what yugioh is? or that uve even played it or that u know what the egyptian god cards are or that u know that exodia is completely different from the god cards, or that u can get back life points and that u start off with 8000 not 3000?

  13. make sure u defrag ur comp and not have any viruses on it, also u might need to format ur computer, basically erase everything from ur comp and start new, back up any things u need onto an external drive first though

  14. if its anything like WoW with the point and click and the number spamming, its gonna be terrible, as long as they stick to the roots of the elder scrolls games with the gameplay and everything and simply add multiplayer, it would be a terrific game, they would have to compensate for the other players by making everything bigger and the map bigger, hopefully they make it so that u can travel from skyrim to morrowwind to daggerfall etc, so that u can travel anywhere in the elder scrolls universe

  15. both, if u keep drinking coke, ull hate it and it will taste bad, when u switch to pepsi, it will taste amazing until eventually the same thing happens when u drink too much pepsi and u start to hate it


    basically u have to balance the two out, have pepsi one week, and coke the other, makes both of them taste good, still bad for your health though

  16. u seem like an alright person from what i read, get to know the other members of xg and have them look at ur member app, dont spam it in chat though (ie "link to member app" +1 me guys, etc), cause it will look bad on ur app, u can also go on our teamspeak and get to know the mods, admins and higher ups as we are on teamspeak more than the servers (at least i am lol), the teamspeak ip is voice.xenogamers.com:8730