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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. ur so bad that it makes everyone around u a bit worse than they were before, also a separate DM rpg surf server is needed for more fast-paced action and for those who dont like waiting for the round to end or who just want to learn how to surf without worrying about dying from others or from slamming into the ground at infinity miles per hour

  2. im serbian, one of the BETTER div leaders than pyro of course, i along with billy were the first 2 div leaders in xg for css, then herpes came along and then pyro. aegean was a div leader for css but only for a short time, then he was co leader, but that lecture is for next week

  3. >one of his few female friends


    >few female friends


    >female friends






    maybe though, ill see how u are ingame, and make my decision based on my observations


    seems legit, +1

  4. pieman doesnt hack, hes just rly rly rly damn good, also the parts he said about me and stuff is true, he did talk to me over forum and steam chat and i did tell colorful to post the videos, which he didnt. colorful was told by aegean that he could temp ban someone for hacking and then post a ban request on that person with the evidence. i told pieman to play how he always played before, and to msg me when ppl were accusing him of hacking or aimbotting, so i could join that server and tell everyone that pieman isnt hacking. its pretty much ragers that are accusing pieman of hacking in the first place.


    +1 to the unban and for ppl to stop complaining about him cause they "think" hes hacking or whatever, and its mostly the baddies that complain, its not like any of the good players would make a big deal about it, they would prob ask for tips from pieman on how to get better, worked for me when i played rpg surf dm in the summer, got much better as a result of it

  5. Xeno Gamers


    thats ur ban thingy, ull have to wait till high plains responds to it to see what he says about it


    talked to high plains, he doesnt remember cause it was a long time ago, so ya ur unbanned, just dont do whatever it is u did to get urself banned in the first place


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  6. u were banned cause u were in the illumin steam group, ill unban you since the whole illumin clan thing was over a LONG time ago


    so ya ur unbanned


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  7. This is a private matter and will be kept private, tarin is not getting unbanned, no more questions or threads asking about this in the future either


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  8. i had the same issue with the mp5, it used to have a custom skin and sound, then it only made gunfire sound on the first shot, and nothing afterwords, there would still be bullet marks and it would damage ppl but no sounds after that, also for lo3 on scrim, the skin resets to default and the gun is on the left as opposed to the right. i just reinstalled css without the skins, that way i wouldnt have to deal with any problems

  9. -1 hacks, too good, has a better score than cts on jailbreak, but hes british so +1

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    -sealed away in the last great time war